
“He bragged at a party that he had in his possession “a tape of Trump being a real dog.” These remarks prompted members of the Access Hollywoodstaff to locate it.”

I personally hope even after the election more and more shit keeps coming out about him. He doesn’t just deserve to lose, he deserves to have his life upended.

ugh what a pandering move! ITS GOING TO RUIN BAD MOMS!!! why do they have to be male? I hate this movie. I refuse to see it and review it.

Secondly, I now know who Billy Bush is.
This also bothers me.

I want my last Thursday’s brain back.

The thing that bothered me most about Billy Bush on the tape was how willing he was to keep the “talk” going
The hug request. Asking Arianna Zucker to choose one of them and so on.
He was all pumped up by talk of pussy-grabbing; his endorphins were flowing.
Even an animal like Trump knew to dial it the fuck back when the

I think everyone kind of wishes, deep down, that Obama was their dad.

My partner suggested the debate would have been greatly improved had the questioners been asked “are you satisfied with the answer Ms. Clinton gave? mr. Trump’s?”

This confuses me also. Like maybe he was her bitch because he had to put some effort into wooing her?

Also Mittens fuck you for the the “our wives and daughters” because we’re property first, right? Don’t grope my property’s pussy!

All crimes are forgiven if you’re bragging about them. No, wait, that’s not right...

Maybe they should spend that $60k on heroin addiction treatment, instead of searching for pot plants.

I cannot imagine a more obvious waste of taxpayer money than the National fucking Guard flying a fucking military helicopter over residential neighborhoods looking for singular marijuana plants and then going and retrieving them one by one.

I heard a lady on NPR the other day who was pro-Trump because Hillary, “spent the whole debate flirting with the camera.”

I’m a black female PhD chemist. I’m in a position where I have to train new grad students, some undergrads and postdocs. A lot of them are surprised that I’m the one leading their training. They have this “oh, you’re the scientist” moment when I am introduced to them. This happens usually with the guys. Then I have to

In some ways it makes sense (disappointing and disgusting but makes sense) considering how we bend over backwards to protect rapists and sex offenders or just asshole dudes in general while constantly blaming victims for things out of their control. I’m sure the VA fired him to cover their own asses and avoid any more

It’s not unlikely to have these kinds of shifts in these circumstances.

Equality is about equal opportunity and consideration. It’s not about maintining a 50/50 benchmark. Just b/c a pendulum swings, doesn’t mean there’s been an overcorrection.

He’s hardly taking a Holier Than Thou approach. All of those things were done with consenting adults, and he apologized to it. I wouldn’t marry him, but I can respect someone who says “I fucked up, and I can be garbage sometime.” That is NOT what Trump does. Trump says, “maybe I fucked up, but you’re ugly and fat and

And Orthorexics are often recovering anorexics. anorexics under another name

I dislike this woman a LOT. But if she says she was robbed, I believe her.