
I love that woman. I love her so much. She is elegant, smart, quick, hilarious, an amazing mother, a poised speaker. She has great kids and a certain Barack by her side in partnership through it all. She might be perfect.

Well a common sexist stereotype of woman in power is that they’re shrill.

11:50am, not 1:50am.

This movie was at 11:50am on a Saturday. If you wish to avoid children at the movie theatre, a weekend matinee might not be the best time to attend.

I think what people ae trying to argue is that people didn’t go from being thoughtful and aware to shitty and neglctful while driving/walking/biking *because* of this game. they were probably already thoughtless and rude and thhis game is taking the heat. someone who would drive and pokemon go probaably wasnt

The first car accident story that made its way around the internet was actually a hoax. The idiot crashing into a cop car while playing is a real story; he could have done the same thing while texting, an activity that contributes to plenty of accidents.

I understand where you are coming from, and actually fully agree with you that people definitely need to be more careful when playing these games, and they sure as hell shouldn’t forget manners and inconvenience other people.

Nintendo has come up with a reality augmented game that has somehow managed to convince people (even the shy, depressed and/or anxious ones) to go out, exercise, explore and socialize.

“Bitch is playing Pokemon.”

it’s not really anyone’s place to tell someone what they should/shouldn't be doing with their reproductive organs

It’s not happiness from other people not being able to conceive, it’s that when you know you have something very valuable but that not everyone can have necessarily, it becomes even more valuable to you. Like I hella appreciate that I live in a house and I have air-conditioning because those are nice things that make

Well, at least she’s saving a ton of money on both maternity and baby clothes?

Uh, no. Abosh is about whether businesses can charge different things to men than to women. That is discrimination because it treats men differently than women.

You must be a lot of fun at parties.

Honestly not the worst date idea? Go for a walk, share an interest, have a little fun, gamify your date, maybe bond over a rare... Mew...? Is that a thing? I don't know. I've heard worse dating site pitches!

I was just about to comment that this is real-world fuel for the fire against taking plagiarism seriously. So many teachers I know get no administrative support for disciplining students caught copying, even though district policy often dictates automatic failure.

I don’t know why I’m still shocked when when people are so unobservant as to take the time to post about something they think they are above, and trash it, showing that they aren’t above it, and outing themselves as hating themselves.

Err... What “game” actually has a “point?”

Yeah. Everyone has the exact same level of fitness, obviously.