
The difference is, if you get drunk and toddle home and get beaten up or mugged, the next day people wont be trying to convince you that you weren’t beaten up or mugged. That’s why drunkenness CAN’T be used against women who are raped.

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

Between her and Debra Messing, Africa should be good to go by Friday.

To me it’s that they felt the need to announce it. Don’t really give a shit what people do in their boudoir.

it’s cultural. superstition runs heavy in those cultures. my mother in law told me the other day in visions she has seen what our child will be like (I’m pregnant and don’t know the sex yet) but she can’t tell me because if she says it out loud demons may hear and curse the baby. she’s normally a very level headed

“I want you to know that 3 out of 5 means satisfactory. It’s not 60%, it’s not a D, it means you’re just doing your job and that’s ok. Ok? Keep going, harder.”

We would not blink in eye if a girl wore a band tshirt of the guy she was dating.

This, exactly. I think they’re not a match insofar as their public personas appear, but honestly who knows what either are like in private. I think that’s why I don’t find the pairing quite as bizarre as some other people do. Taylor Swift might indeed be a secret mean girl, as people always suggest, but it’s just as

I wonder if the same people who are appalled by this, react similarly to naked hot models wrapped in flags or stars-and-stripes bikins/stripper outfits.

this exactly. If the roles were reversed and OP had no idea that her SO had some secret deadline and ended it, how would they have felt. It’s ridiculous, and an indicator that OP isn’t as open with communication as they like to imagine.

Personalities definitely play a part. I’m aware of one straight couple where the now wife said after a couple years of dating they were either advancing the relationship to marriage, or she was out. Some people are just scared of commitment, and he was the type who had to decided what was scarier - making a legal

While I think ultimatums generally indicate the end of a relationship (someone is unhappy and clearly nothing else is working to get their partner to do what they want), I can understand it in a fair amount of situations. Imagine you had the perfect boyfriend, but you had been dating for seven years, you’ve lived

THIS. I just existed during my pregnancy. I did not make announcements, and did not show really until 7 and a half months or so. It was awesome and I had no social pressure or stress. For a lot of people who fear the process, or the weight of expectations, this is a good way to go. I found it empowering.

CONFESSION: I am 20 weeks pregnant and still haven’t told my grandmother (whom I love dearly) or the majority of my closest friends (who do not live in my city). I am truly, genuinely excited about this baby, but something about calling people up to say that I’m pregnant just feels weird to me.

I thought the same thing until they mentioned she made no effort to hide her pregnancy either. She just kinda existed while pregnant. Everyone is entitled to do pregnancy their way (mostly) and if this worked for her then more power to her. If someone wants to take 8 million pregnant nudies in a cornfield and put them

But have you had managers who would

Not only that, remember that the manager is writing all of this stuff, not the employee. They spend a lot of time clearly setting up the employee as a sympathetic figure, and even note that they have made exceptions in the past for things as petty as concert tickets.

As I said to someone else, I can see a manager refusing to give time off for graduation. I just have a hard time buying the fact that that manager knows that the employee is an orphan who’s had the most dickensian childhood possible and is completely oblivious (given everything else that the manager reports goes on at

The reason it rings as fake is because the manager takes too much time to set up the employee as a sympathetic figure.

So he met the right person for him. Ann had a fair question at that age. It was answered.