
Weird that none of the people she met had names. Even the Woman Chief!

The most cringe worthy for me was the mirror one. They have fucking mirrors in Africa Debra. Jesus. Trust me that kid has seen his reflection before.

I never did before, but I hate Debra Messing now. Why couldn’t she visit poor whites in Tennesee? They have sex workers there too. They probably have their own condom dance as well!

Why? The trailer was at fault, as a bus would be.

Some of you are fucking killing me right now.

Yeah, I watch a lot on my computer and even my phone. I think it’s the randomness of how these people get followers. The youngsters probably send them to each other and that’s how they get popular. Oh well, I’ll just watch Big Brother (people trying to get famous the old fashioned reality TV way 😉)

BUT The parents handled it appropriately right away

I think it’s news more because of the people involved - nominal local celebrities with a douchey sort of look. And it’s a little different from a breastfeeding mom just having a couple of drinks and fucking up the pump and dump time frame a little. In this case, the baby had enough of the drug in their system to test

It’s the cover-up that is most alarming. Because mom & dad were a) assumed to be sober b) hindering medical aid to the baby.

If it got your infant into such a state that she would need to go to the ER, I would expect it to make news.

I thought the whole pump and dump was just to get the unusable breast milk out of your body, because it hurts/leaks when it hasn’t been expressed? Not to flush the contamination faster. I’ve never had children/breastfed though, so I'm by no means an expert or experienced.

I’m going to say yes-in that it’s a narcotic. And drinking to excess isn’t advisable while breastfeeding either. People drinking responsibly are able to control their milk supply/safety but if someone was binge drinking on a regular basis while breast feeding-it would also be considered abusive and wildly

Let me tell ya’ll about the time this smart ass white boy in my high school Law Education class got in an argument with me about Aff.Act and tried to say “Of course your affirmative action your-” and that mother fucker saw the look on my face and the whole class kinda froze before the teacher immediately changed the

I don’t know what research they did, but as those five black and Latino students were from the entirety of Texas, I seriously doubt that there was even one minority student from her school who got into UT with lower grades than her.

They’re more competitive internally. The opposite is true when you compare the entire school to other schools. Stop pretending you don’t know what words mean.

Yep. The valedictorian for my high school class in Austin transferred in senior year from an ultra-competitive magnet school with much higher average GPAs. It was a huge scandal, but she went to UT on a full scholarship, so it worked out for her.

I wouldn’t be totally shocked if her parents were the ones who put this in her head. Mommy and Daddy were embarrassed that their legacy didn’t hold enough sway with the Admissions Office to get her in so “blame the coloreds” and don’t let her think she didn’t get in because their alumnus checks weren’t big enough.

I hadn’t seen this comment from Fisher before:

WHO ARE ALL OF YOU TERRIFYING PEOPLE WHO WOULD LIE ABOUT HAVING GUNS IN THEIR HOUSE TO PEOPLE WHO ARE WORRIED ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN PLAYING THERE??? This is seriously the most fucking insane thing I have ever heard. What is WRONG with you??? Why is your love for guns more important than allowing those who dislike guns

“Law-abiding gun owners” is a dogwhistle for “white people”.