
OMG. All masturbatory, gun-loving posts irritate me, but these cutsie ones really get my goat.

People missing the point will try to point out that she apparently was only using a pistol at the time, so likely not a type of gun that is currently being targeted by gun control advocates. But the real point is the disconnect between the dream—I will use this to protect my family!!!—and the reality—that it is far

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

Eh, mocking to other teachers via an online system (which in every district I’ve always been in is for PROFESSIONAL TALK ONLY since we have to act like everything paid for by taxpayers is fair game for the news) is public.

Cool! Now, wouldn’t you be upset if teachers publically mocked her for not doing that when they had never taught her to do so? Or would a comment on the paper and a reduced grade be sufficient?

Professional teachers don’t even say shit like this. We vent by talking to people in our personal lives, and it’s usually, “What the hell am I supposed to do with this? No, seriously, I’m asking.” type shit.

Just stop. School is where you’re supposed to be allowed to try and fail at things without worrying that the people paid to help and encourage you are mocking you and hoping you fail.

At times, teachers do need to vent about students. It can be frustrating and wearing at times. The difference is we don’t wish them to fail or mock them for not knowing things. The things they were saying move past the line of venting to being mean. Frankly, they were dumb as hell to write it down.

You’re right, any high school student who doesn’t put 100% effort into every assignment is a fucking idiot who should be pilloried by her teachers. You seem like an incredibly understanding and reasonable individual.

Using the school-sanctioned workflow software to do it is not ok.

I would respectfully suggest that understanding that nothing posted online is ever private is a more vital life skill than knowing how to correctly spell Ta-Nehisi Coates.

It’s actually true— the ambulance didn’t come equipped with a time machine to go back two weeks so his parents could take him to a doctor.

Um yes, many RA or other arthritis patients can and do rightfully say we’re receiving chemo. Methotrexate is a chemotherapy agent. Here’s the problem: when people hear arthritis, they think of grandma with a sore thumb. The reality is people with autoimmune arthritis are sick every damn day, with joint pain and

The “it takes a village” thing was bullshit when HRC said it, and it’s bullshit now. If it takes a village, then that same village wouldn’t be bitching and criticizing parents so easily, openly, and often. Seriously, read any internet comment thread about childcare gone wrong and that’s what you get. If it takes a

Can we stop using “mommy” as an adjective? Mommy bloggers, mommy classes, mommy vacations, “mommy friends.” It has this weird way of infantilizing motherhood by tying it to infant parlance. Get off your baby’s level! You’re a mother, a mom, you speak “adult.”

While I agree, factory farming is a horror and should be known and stopped, she can not be a vegan and still care about stopping puppy mills.

Exactly! I’m socially awkward as fuck. What that means is I will talk about really stupid or inappropriate things that will make people go “Okay.....” You won’t feel threatened, you’ll feel weirded out. There is definitely a difference between awkward and predatory.

Also, “I can see your tits in that swimsuit,” manages to be both banal and creepy. Like, of course you can. It’s a swimsuit.

I took the “without interruption” to mean every day, including weekends and holidays.

And? If you’re serious about caring for your children, be the UPS driver whose wages are garnished 70%. That’s still more money than “I get paid a couple hundred dollars once or twice a year to write a rambling and unsympathetic think piece for websites like Jezebel”.