It’s so gratifying to see nearly every Nissan across the model line so well represented on this list.
It’s so gratifying to see nearly every Nissan across the model line so well represented on this list.
I mean, he heard there was a crowd of pedestrians in the house- what was he supposed to do?
This is Clash Royale for me. It’s a mindless mobile cash grab, but I timed it the other day- the time from when you press the app icon on your phone, to when you’re in an actual game, playing, is less than 10 seconds. It’s amazingly convenient for the short 5-minute windows when I’m actually interested in playing a…
“I’ve got to stop driving like an idiot,”
“The Mandalorian and Grogu?” That’s the name?
The manual in my 2018 GTI was one of the best I’ve ever used. Must be the new ones that suck.
And they’re taking away the stick. Idiots.
If you want a ridiculously slow tank that could shrug off a direct nuclear strike, this is your car. Otherwise, the nostalgia factor on these is overrated.
This is the literal definition of “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
Mine are 80
Why make a 1.6 liter with 100hp when you can make a 7.3 liter with 240?
I drove a rental Nissan Rogue Sport that had ~100 horsepower once, and it was so slow that I was genuinely scared of driving it. I cannot fathom driving something that weighed similar with half the horsepower.
Would have been amazing if they’d left it stock.
This is one of the easiest “Buy This Now” cars on this site in a long time. If it was anywhere near me, I’d buy it today.
What I don’t understand is the continued belief in a system that has never once gotten anyone out of anything or worked in remotely the ways that its adherents claim that it will.
It still blows my mind that these are graphics from a modern game released by a AAA studio in 2023.
I got an original Game Boy for Christmas in 1990, with a copy of Tetris, Super Mario Land, and Duck Tales, if I remember correctly. It was a total game changer, and the mountains of time I put into that little console over the next 4 or 5 years was amazing.
Can we all finally agree that Snyder just isn’t a talented writer or director? At this point, Legend of the Guardians might be his best movie.
This is going to be as slow as molasses on a cold morning, but it’s a pretty sweet package for $4k.