For the love of God, people. Please, under no circumstances, pay $14,000 for a used Mirage. It’s the slowest, barest, tiniest cardboard box with wheels, and it’s not worth that BRAND NEW. It’s barely a car.
For the love of God, people. Please, under no circumstances, pay $14,000 for a used Mirage. It’s the slowest, barest, tiniest cardboard box with wheels, and it’s not worth that BRAND NEW. It’s barely a car.
Salad Shakers were fucking terrible.
They’re like $12k.
I missed that, but his loss.
would likely be worth well over $100 million, and that’s not even factoring in how crazy the used car market is right now.
counterpoint: the Bolt, while sadly plagued with fiery issues at the moment, is not ugly
HOT TAKE: Awkwafina’s voice is so damn annoying that it basically ruined Raya for me
There were bots in FFXIV for a long time that literally made it impossible to progress in the main story quest without logging off and hoping for a better instance. They’d exist in clumped groups of 3-4 and insta-kill mobs that were required for quest progression before anyone could tag them. Fun times.
The mantra remains: given any opportunity, or even no opportunity, players will find the least-fun way to play a game.
This is second only to Tracy’s speedometer somehow leaking brake fluid onto your leg when you drove.
Got a 5-point ticket in an eastern state for going 38 over.
Is the lead image the best photo you could find? Jesus.
This is a fun and excellent car with WAY too many issues to justify the asking price.
They don’t have interest in something with zip or something with personality. The whole goal is to have something that’s mostly nondescript, cost-effective, and doesn’t require them to stop at the gas pump all the time.
How about something super-comfy, with the ability to be fun- like a used Mercedes E550 or an A6 with the 3.0t?
Sold my 2018 GTI for more than I bought it for after driving it for 3 years.
This is a fantastic car.... for the current owner.
I was annoyed to learn that, instead of grinding for season points, I could have just bought the Subie and the DeLorean from the car menu- but I don’t begrudge the people that did :)