See Thomas Howl

I mean, I’m not entirely unsympathetic to that argument, but I’m close. She did the model look in Texas and was ripped to shreds for it. Now she’s doing something at least a bit more appropriate and...we’re still doing it. It just seems like we can’t be pleased in this department. Maybe we can’t.

I really wish that release date had helped Logan Lucky. I enjoyed it at least, hopefully it will gain the audience it deserves on blu ray.

It’s quite clear that he doesn’t care that it is.

I know Presidents do not write their own speeches but, holy fuck, that sounds nothing at all like him.

Excuse me, are we all just ignoring CROSSROADS?

Yep, PORKY’S and POLICE ACADEMY. She never needed to do SATC to cement her place in Hollywood history.

Yeah, it’s all there. The idea of him being fundamentally blowback from the GWB wars makes such perfect sense, certainly moreso than anything else.

The only thing I have to add to that is that it could easily be synchronous with the original concept of the character. Because while none of the most famous prohibition

Yes. They’ve had only one movie that I’d consider a failure (“The Ladykillers”), and even that one isn’t that bad.

I agree. I love the conflicting “scars” stories in The Dark Knight for this reason.

Totally. Which is what is fun about truly compelling characters like him. You can go however deep you want into their history, or they can remain simply a force of malevolence.

He became The Joker after he was rejected by a girl. Because he’s a NICE GUY!

I’m inclined to go with this. Wanna know how I got these scars? Maybe shrapnel from seeing his combat buddies turned into spray around him. Yikes.

I prefer the idea that the Joker is an unknown, and unknowable, force of chaos and evil. He’s John Doe from Se7en.

You know what, though? As Sandler has shown us, he could start being one of the genuine greats at any moment. I think he’s getting restless, taking more serious roles, as of late.

A true anti-Bruce Wayne/Batman. Interesting.

Alternate take, which is one that I didn’t come up with, but I enjoy: he’s a spoiled snobby kid, maybe a trust fund computer dork with money and a whole lot of free time, who just wants to cause as much damage as possible.

I’m a big fan of the theory that The Dark Knight’s Joker is a former soldier, probably someone involved in special forces or covert ops, with combat experience in the Middle East. Consider:

Adam Sandler. I can’t think of a single project he’s been involved in that isn’t funny, heartfelt, and devoid of cynicism. Keep crankin’ out dem hits funnyman!

Leia: Han, lets have sex.

lol true. May have been a bit of hyperbole there, as George Lucas will not be involved with this movie