See Thomas Howl

Well. I can’t think of a single worst thing on this planet to be right now than Kevin Spacey. Nothing even approaches the disgust and loathing he deservedly must feel.

In and OFF is where it’s going!

A LOT more than 2 victories. Already flipped 10 state seats as well. Several more still up in the air or with comfortable Democratic leads that haven’t been called yet. This was an absolute thrashing and if it holds ‘til 2018 it’s going to make the Tea Party flip look like tinker toys.

Well now I know what show I’m bingeing this weekend.

I mean if you think of the stuff the classic 60s artists were releasing in the mid-80s, well...Beck and Weezer’s latest albums aren’t really that bad, 20-25 years out is often a rough time for rock bands.

I imagine I’m right smack dab in the demographic that should go for new Weezer and Beck albums, seeing as their first albums came out when I was a teenager and I loved both of them. They’ve kind of dropped off my listening list over the past 20ish years though, I mostly listen to newer stuff now.

I got an Alice in Chains notification for this?

They’re both broken in a very similar way. Hector’s best friend is his mom and he never moved out, Heather just spent 8 years in community college, and only moved out last season. They could maybe use each other as motivation to push their lives away from their parents to somewhere new, while having some compassion

I did like that Jessica’s response to Cole saying he cared about her was just “thanks”.

I imagine he had a contract. Or he did actually look, but no one else could get him the terms he was looking for. Or it’s possible that while the Weinsteins could actually fire him, they would be able to blackball him if he tried to go with any other producer. Or that Hollywood financing is so much more ruthless than

I’m sure that Rodriguez tells himself this, all the time, but (a) this was distributed by Dimension Films which was run by Bob, not Harvey (b) it was hyped out the wazoo (c) it was a three-hour, R-rated homage to a mostly forgotten genre/period of films, it had no chance in Hell

Planet Terror > Death Proof

I will not hear different.

I know it’s got a bad rep as a purposefully bad movie trying way too hard to be amusing, but I fucking love Planet Terror, right down to its silly missing reel joke.

I assume squirrels are constantly after Kellyanne.

I like the Urban Legend movies. I actually think the second one holds us better.

I unabashedly love Urban Legend. It’s incredibly stupid and does not make a bit of sense when you try and add up the plot but there’s something so very fun about it to me. Because the deaths all try and correspond to an urban legend, it’s all weird different set pieces that keep it fresh throughout the length of the

Final Destination series was pretty sweet. They werent all fantastic, but all the entries made it to the theater and the last one making a full circle to the first one was real nice.

I mean, you’re forgetting about the best all-girl alliance in Survivor history! The Black Widow Brigade of Micronesia. Still one of the best seasons ever

This sounds so much better in Sweet Dee’s voice.

I’m afraid I’ll have to see this now. Afraid because I grew up in a trailer park in Florida, with a single mom who tried to give my brother and me an idyllic childhood, even if we did get our clothes from Goodwill and had to act like we didn’t care that we had the special meal tickets at school that the poor kids got.