See Thomas Howl

Or the 2016 Electoral Map to Donald Trump

I believe that should be “synth, synth, synth, synth... SYNTH, SYNTH, SYNTH, SYNTH.”

Now I think I’m going down to the cantina tonight
And I’m going to drink till I get my fill
And I hope when I get old I don’t sit around thinking about it
But I probably will
Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture
A little of the glory of, well parsecs slip on
And leave you with nothing mister but
Boring stories of

I thought I remembered another show in the last few years taking swipes at honeydew melon as a “garbage fruit,” but it turns out it was... This one, in season two.

“PS, could you also be a dear and delete my internet search history? Don’t look at it, just delete it. I’d do it myself, but my browser has memorized all my passwords and I don’t know enough to just delete my browsing history and not my personal data. Bye bye sweetie! Remember to buy a lot of guns and wear skimpy

She was pretty great in Ex Machima and she won an Academy Award. She’s probably a bit over exposed, but she’s far from a wooden super model actress.

Personally, I really love the name Olivier Megaton just because it completely suits a french director of nonsense action movies.

“Cherry Chevapravatdumrong” still beats everything.

“If you’re watching this, then I’m probably dead. Now, there’s a nefarious organisation that’s trying to unleash a terrible fate upon the world, so I figured the best course of action was to hide all the information I have about them in a secret cellar, and hope you, my daughter who’s never raided a tomb in her life,

Roar Uthaug must be the coolest name ever

Don’t beat yourself up; everybody’s wrong once in a while.

Am I the only one who thinks that cantaloupe, a.k.a. muskmelon, a.k.a. mushmelon, is the worst part of a fruit bowl? It goes bad SO quickly, and honeydew has the saving grace of being to charcuterie what celery is to chicken wings.

No hard feelings, I think that might have been a glitch as I don’t see the number going down on my end.

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

Frankly, this episode left me terrified that some day I might end up like that, stuck reliving every shitty moment in my life in some half-remembered fugue state. I wonder if that’s really what dementia is like.

I love Lebowski and most of their other comedies, but O Brother probably made me laugh more the first time I saw it than any of their other movies, save perhaps Raising Arizona.

O Brother Where Art Thou isn’t their most substantial movie, but it’s among their most fun for sure. In my book, that counts for something.

He’s more of an NCIS kind of guy.

Trump is a white supremacist, always has been.

“the producers of Feud wanted to delay the trial, arguing that it required a lot of work since it concerns events that go back decades”