See Thomas Howl

It seems this one resonated for a lot of people, we’re with you

Hey guys this episode really fucked me up but in a way that can be good? I think mostly because it shows (so accurately it hurts) just how intrusive and powerful depression & anxiety are. I think that will be helpful in showing others who don’t have it how it can be and try to bridge an understanding between the two.

Along the way, of course, he gets barraged with insults: Schindler’s Dissed

At the happy ending, it suddenly becomes Schindler’s Blissed. If he gets the girl in the end, maybe Schindler’s Kissed.

Porn was better in the silent film era.

How can you fail at screenwriting fucking? I always assumed screenwriting for porn films was even easier than acting in them.

Failed screenwriter, but a fucking terrifying propagandist.

“Call me a car.”