we’d end up watching nothing.
we’d end up watching nothing.
You are describing my life. I work in the same industry as Whole Paycheck, even sell to them, and my little grass-roots, family-owned company is fucking evil! They have used me at every turn, all whilst talking about “honesty, integrity, equatable pay and time off, extra time off if you need it - just ask.” But when…
Right to work does not equal at will employment. Basically every state is at will employment, only some forbid unions charging non-members for services or forbid Union only shops (right to work). In no state is it legal to fire you for union activity.
But that John Mackey sure is a handsome fella!
The thing is, with the old type of authoritarian asshole boss, there was a felt limit to their control.
I’m very pro-union but it’s shocking how useless they can be, especially if they’re made that way by a company or insitution. My mother is a teacher and their union rep is worse than useless, completely folds during all negotiations and is, surprise surprise, a total pet of the principal in their school. They go out…
If this land wasn’t owned by little people they would have gotten a serious offer from fedgov. Tyler correctly points out that the air force could offer far far more to just put it all to bed. It’s not like the family doesn’t have a price they would be willing to let it go for.
Let’s say it was one of the various…
Ugh. Have you seen the commercials from Walmart imploring us to use a green light bulb to show a sign of support for veterans? Seriously, if you want to support veterans, how about you save the light bulbs and donate the money to an organization that actually supports veterans.
Also a pretty good Lorde, i suppose. :p
my favourite thing is when a modder fixes one of these bugs with a single line of code, and it takes months before the developer decides to do it themselves.
CNN (really, Time Warner) is really pissing me off. Not only are issue candidates valid, like you mention, but their post-debate coverage has been pretty suspect. Editing out Bernie’s critique of the media after his “damn emails” line and universally praising Clinton’s performance (despite their own focus groups and…
“Because of your distinguished career, you’re going to wind up looking silly if you keep going on like this.”
I always thought it was weird we care so much about the president, when really most of the governing power lies with Congress. And because no cares about the legislature on any level, we let them become shit shows.
There are millions of liberal Christians, so I have no idea what you are talking about. That you don’t understand my religion does not mean it does not exist.
Everyone please vote in EVERY election in the coming years. Do your research, the shitheads that get elected to the schoolboard in your absence are tomorrow’s state senators and governors. GET TO THE POLLS. Vote in the primaries, and encourage your friends, neighbors, and coworkers and every random person you…
Voting next year isn’t good enough. Everyone votes in the Presidential election, but the Presidential actually does very little. Vote in every election. Vote this November, if you have an election. Vote for your state senator (I💖 Kirk Watson), vote for your county clerk, vote in your city council's primaries. Vote…
As someone raised in Kentucky, and as someone who loves the Commonwealth, this does and doesn’t feel like the Kentucky I know. When my family moved away, I always had a home with friends, I always had invitations to Thanksgivings, and Christmases. I was never alone.
I got a rock...