Sure, like in the German system, a fixed and fair rate for basic procedures is indeed workable. Doctors and the government work together to agree on fair standard rates that get adjusted as needed.
Sure, like in the German system, a fixed and fair rate for basic procedures is indeed workable. Doctors and the government work together to agree on fair standard rates that get adjusted as needed.
Who is covered? Who isn’t? What is covered? What isn’t What system remains in place to cover the non-covered issues? Who adjudicates who get’s what? Which current system is the best example of the model that we’ll build?
Medicare-for-All is a marketing term for a bunch of different plans with varying details, some as simple as a buy-in program for traditional Medicare and some that are full single payer health care systems. “Single payer” is pretty self-explanatory, the government pays for health care and uses its enormous buying…
“Single payer” isn’t a buzzword, it describes a system that leverages the buying power of the government to lower the cost of medical services. As the only major source of income for medical providers the government would be able to negotiate a price that is affordable and maintains the necessary level of services…
There’s no reason to believe that our current levels of debt or spending are problematic. Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio is almost twice what ours is and they’re fighting off deflation.
Money exists in a relationship with the productive capacity of an economy and its trading partners. All those countries had problems meeting demand for spending and debts or purchases they couldn’t pay for in their own currencies. Weimar had to pay reparations in scarce foreign currency and later in goods they…
I guess it depends on what you mean by prominent. bell hooks, Zephyr Teachout, Marcy Kaptur (senior-most woman in Congress, longest serving woman from OH), Jasmine Guy, Susan Sarandon, Sara Silverman, Erica Garner, Katrina vanden Heuvel (publisher of the Nation), Naomi Klein, Erin Brockovich...
There’s something like a thousand names that work, including some gag names like “fuckface”. You can find the list through Google.
It seems the teachings of Apostle Paul hold more weight than those of Jesus with today’s evangelicals.
Old-fashioned beaten biscuits are actually very close to hard-tack.
John Waters used to shop at the store where I worked and he was genuinely nice.
Bug chasers are a documented element of modern gay life, but it’s hard to imagine someone in the ‘80s seeking out infection. Maybe as a result of survivors guilt?
Like a lot of other labor laws, rules like this vary from place to place. There are no federal laws regulating minimum time between shifts in the U.S.
I think owning a Mac makes developing iOS apps easier, but if you're just interested in learning then any of those platforms should be fine.
Google has
I don't know what your symptoms are but their have been studies of IBS patients that show that what appears to be a gluten sensitivity can actually be a reaction to a group of carbohydrates called FODMAPS (things like fructose, lactose, etc.,).
Check your speakers. Sometimes dialogue is put on a single channel so if a connection is loose you might not hear it.
The thing to remember is that the opinions of people you disagree with are just as important as yours - which is to say not at all important.
It means they leave a vacuum in front of their roommates door as a way to imply that they should vacuum. It's passive-aggressive because they aren't directly confronting the roommate and telling them to clean. As far as the purpose of the text within the article it's meant to achieve a humorous effect by suggesting…