Fun at Parties

Folks here need to enter the post-gold standard world of fiat currency operations. e Nixon ended our participation in the international gold standard the U. S. Treasury never borrows. It exchanges interest-earning securities for non-interest earning dollars just like you do when you buy a CD.

[At least] apparently stupid, yes. But perhaps they’re primarily appealing to their true constituency: the extremely-wealthy people who fund their campaigns: without which, politicians would have to find another gig.

Or, Miss Vanderveer?

Maybe his friend might know

Has anyone checked with Captain Scrummy?

My 65 year old mom supports Bernie. Maybe I should warn my dad about what she’s really up to, before she runs off with a Berniebro!

On one side I agree - the problem is that Congress’ primary job is to create laws. Lawyers are efficient at this. The reality is that we need lawyers creating laws at the request of representatives of society. Therefore the ideal condition is to have legal teams working with political representation. Instead we take

“Jeffersonian democracy was an agrarian/utopian type set-up.”

The Primary process is a war of attrition. By its design it is a long hard slog. A Primary Day isn’t unreasonable or unworkable, but it does work against a lot of powerful groups. The Iowa political make a lot of money. The state gains outsized influence. Both would be hard to give up for late comers like CA or ID. It

I first got it when I told a group of women (who were about 10 yrs older than me) that I was supporting Obama over Clinton. Before Obama entered the field, I did support Clinton, but I felt Obama was the better candidate.

“Missteps aside”

There’s a difference between Sanders advising legislators to expand gay rights more methodically and sustainably and Clinton calling gay people a threat to the bedrock of western civilization. See:…

First of all, Hillary did NOT “accept” Planned Parenthood endorsement, she paid for it by giving the CEO’s daughter a high profile job. Planned Parenthood has NEVER endorsed any presidential candidate at the primary level.

Thank you. I got called a “failed feminist” today for supporting Sanders over Clinton. The response to my argument, spelling out where I think Sanders’ record is a stronger feminist one versus where I think Hillary has failed women, was a oh-so-substantive “fuck him, he hasn’t declared himself an “ardent” feminist”.

Kind of like how Clinton found it politically expedient to care about POC after running a flagrantly racist campaign in 2008? Neither candidate is perfect, but complaining about “Bernie bros” before any of them even show up is intellectually dishonest.

Except, you know, his voting history shows he has cared about women’s reproductive rights going all the way back to the early 90s. But something-something-Bernie-bros or whatever nonsense.

I don't think Bernie can win, but I hope he does.

Because they’re cowards who are hedging their bets rather than standingfirmly by their ideology. Sanders has a 100% pro-choice voting record, but Planned Parrenthood gave him a hard pass. This is nothing new. Gawker did an article where the union that had been pushing the hardest for a 15 dollar minimum wage gave

That’s ok, he’ll just have to stick with opposing the Iraq war, supporting gay marriage, opposing DOMA, and all the other progressive stances he took literal decades before Clinton found the politically expedient to believe in...