The easiest way to find a Steel-type pokemon is by running into traffic. Lighting things on fire for Fire-types, and playing with electrical sockets for Electric-types.
The easiest way to find a Steel-type pokemon is by running into traffic. Lighting things on fire for Fire-types, and playing with electrical sockets for Electric-types.
They make their employees sign ridiculous non-compete agreements that severely limit their future employment prospects.…
The founder is one of those entitled assholes who trophy hunts to get his rocks off.…
What happened with Jimmy John’s?
Yeah, but in those places you have the vast majority of the population wanting change in the same general direction (democracy), even if there are divisions on the specifics. Americans can’t even agree if racism still exists, who should be paying taxes and how much (though I suspect most people DO agree on that, they…
See, I had a similar experience as you, but I went the other way with it. Every time someone popped up who was just an uppity asshole bent on making me cry at work (which seriously happened about 5x a day at least), I resolved not to let any of these douchestains get to me and would go into like super-helpful-friendly…
You sound as if you are literally a demon from hell who is busy trolling humanity in order to diminish the amount of goodness and light in the world.
I live in a rich-bitch suburb of Toronto, and one morning while I was waiting in line at Tim Horton’s, this bleach-blonde, Botoxed trophy-wife harridan storms in, cuts in front of me, and starts screaming at the Indian girl working the cash register about how “OMG MY COFFEE WAS WROOOOONG” and how “OMG THIS PLACE…
Do you have kids?
Ah i used to love the “Ill never shop here again people’.
I have part time hours on the weekend at a climbing gym. One guy asked me, after I gave him an orientation and tips on finishing problems, what my “real job” was.
“as well-meant as they are, they don’t address the fact that even if he wins, there’s still going to be racism and everything that comes with it”
Just like as well-meaning as this article is, Greg, it doesn’t address the fact that even if he, or any Democrat, no matter how progressive, wins, they’re going to be dealing…
It’s been 13 years since warcraft 3 was released. There’s people playing wow who are younger than that, and they’ve still managed to fuck my mom.
This guy’s name is probably “Bort.”
The topic of an artwork isn’t as important as the concept. A piece of work that addresses a vital social issue can still be undistinguished conceptually, and one with no social agenda whatsoever can be inspiring and enduring because of its conceptual strength.
The phrase “denial of her right to dictate what you saw” is bullshit. I’m not calling you out, I am calling her out. Artists never dictate what the audience sees or how the audience interprets the art. This poor woman apparently got a piss-poor art education. But hey, she’s in the national media, so “win”, right?
Well for one the cheap wine people didn’t just write a goddamn novella telling you how wrong you are.
You ladies need to check out My Daguerreotype Boyfriend stat.