
I’m aware black people often face prejudice and discrimination, especially at the hands of police... does me gently correcting your post contribute to this in any way, or indeed, even relate?

The cops did start by asking if he was alright. They were actually pretty chill and nice, and the interaction is calm until they try to arrest him and the fight breaks out.

Brooks having the taser wasn't even a reason to shoot him, because Brooks was too far away for the taser to work when Rolfe shot him.

I agree they should have just let him run away at the end, but the tazing was done after a knockdown, drag-out fight during which he got Brosnan’s taser and punched Rolfe in the face. He beat the two of them together, and with the tazer I could see them being afraid he could get their guns. Also, even if Rolfe did

No, the Times has a pretty good breakdown of all the video footage (which it won’t let me link), but all three are grappling on the ground when Brosnan takes out his taser, at which point Brooks grabs it, punches Rolfe, and runs (pretty damn good if he was drunk, which he honestly didn’t seem in the bodycam footage).

But controversy + another apology video = $$$. These feuds and callouts seem to make everyone involved money, and at the end of the day YouTube personalities are just entertainers practicing kayfabe.

Will Meghan be with him tho?

Sitting on a Board of Directors; or a capital-P Philanthropist, perhaps one who is also “passionately involved in raising awareness of/advocating for” climate change/world hunger/wildlife preservation, while simultaneously having half his fortune invested in companies that perpetuate inequality and never calling out

You should not have said that shit about being a great dancer! All of a sudden this thing turned into a musical in my mind and I can’t even be mad about it anymore. I’m busy imagining it as a Broadway number

Just the fact the military voluntarily released the footage instead of responding to a FOIA request makes me very suspicious 

Maybe that was what the food waste bins were for!


yeah... don’t they realize that means they should be doing their jobs without prejudice? What does the police chief think it means?

Woke might be a stretch, but he seems like the kind of guy who’s willing to go along with a stronger personality. Right now that’s his wife and dad, but he could probably be Stockholm Syndrome’d into supporting pretty much any political doctrine that doesn’t seriously interfere with his life. 

I actually think Don’s worse than Eric. Eric’s politics are probably just as bad as Don’s, (especially if his wife is any indication), but Eric isn’t as thirsty and can therefore occasionally SHUT UP and refrain from tweeting.

Belle, Beau and Cody. Golden retriever, Lhasa Apso, and and bear-dog hybrid, respectively.

It will serve her right when the older one eats the younger one. 🐛🐔

You don’t want your new girlfriend knowing about the old one!


Oh god, would you at least have been ashamed of it afterward?