

Oh god, would you at least have been ashamed of it afterward?

You’re right that banks aren’t responsible for the things they finance, but I think AOC’s point is that maybe they should be. Your examples of a faulty car and a house that someone cooks meth in aren’t really equivalent to her examples, because (1) buying a car and house aren’t immoral/harmful acts, so facilitating

Hot Take (?): This was actually the best way to blow the candles out. Since the candles were tiered blowing the bottom candles out would have meant blowing right on the inner twinkies, which is kind of gross and germ-y. I personally dgaf, but I’m always surprised self-described germophobes don’t mind eating birthday

The proof is in the graph, since it shows Jewish people were the least likely to vote for Trump. 

The Times goes on to cite research about risk takers liking spicy food and people with a sweet tooth being “more likely to volunteer to help clean up their city after a major flood” and “how bitter taste preferences might be associated with antisocial personality traits” and the “link between eating certain foods and

Make sure he knows the divorce is harder on you than it is on him, and you expect him to comfort you through it. 

The problem is, to an antivaxxer, you’re the one with the misinformed views. You really want them putting you to the sword for being a shill for Big Pharma, or do you want them to have a reasonable discussion with you, where you can both present your viewpoints?

I’m curious about what your pseudoscientific beliefs were and what made you change your mind. Was it just getting sicker? Some people will let themselves or their child die without changing their beliefs, so I’d be interested in your thought process; how you got to that place of nonbelief in mainstream medicine, and

No citizen has the right to live in another citizen’s uterus, and all people should be able to make medical decisions in their own best interests. 

Thanks for teaching me the word idolic (of or related to idols, if anyone is curious)

I had the same feeling. It’s wrong to hate a child... yet I do. 

You weren’t only the team’s captain; you were the fans’ captain too.”

I’m guessing revenge porn laws?

Thank you! Yeah, even when I believed as a kid I remember watching how emotional people would get during Rev. Moon (True Father)’s speeches and just being totally unaffected and bemused at everyone else’s reactions.

I think it’s probably the same basic reasons past generations joined cults. It feels really good to be part of a tight-knit group who pay you lots of attention (Love-bombing), and to have a high spiritual purpose to give your life meaning.

Yeah, they’re really nippy. I worked at a dog groomers for awhile and both times I was bitten it was by corgis. To be fair, both bites were tiny, barely bleeding scratches, but they seem to have no bite inhibition.

Yep. It’s gaslighting. 

Yeah, do people think there’s like, an easier version of the Bar given out to Native Americans? She gained no advantage from this. My feeling is she emphasized her distant Native heritage cause she thought it made her more interesting, which is lame but whatever. 

From your lips to God’s ears.