
Shit, I misread

I didn’t want to say it, but that was my first thought

Hot take, but I think one of the most fucked up things about this story was the lengths the millionaire went to keep his worker from knowing the location. It was 200+ feet, and he didn’t have a family, so maybe let the guy who built it also have a chance of escaping death. Selfish prick.

You’re taking the media’s word for NK’s capability, and also assuming the US can keep it from expanding to the East Coast. You are not on Paranoid Guy’s level.

PLEASE MEMORIZE ALL ELLE WOOD’S LINES! And use them! Use a notepad instead of a laptop! I’m sure you will do great, and be able to get any of us Jezzies off of a murder charge in no time! I def won’t be killing anybody anytime soon! *wink, wink*

Yeah, I live in Md, and my reaction was... isn’t that shit going to flood and kill you in the event of a real emergency? Pretty much every basement there floods, at least every few years, so Md is a bad location for an underground shelter that needs to last 100+ years

You’re a dick

You would know, given your username

I don’t think anyone is really pushing this story cuz they’re worried about her; it’s more like sharks scenting the blood of Melania-based scandal.

No, it’s obviously either that, or he needs the scent of pee to sleep

Lol, ( in a very real sense), I love your punctuation. If I was an English teacher, I’d be bookmarking this for my students

I love your comment bc it exposes the hypocrisy of certain religions, however from a practical standpoint, (having grown-up in a small fringe religion), I know religion can be “whatever you believe in your heart” so there is no legislating it to meet even the religion’s own self-proclaimed standards (like the Bible).

The implications of your comment are too depressing to star :(

I have freckles too, and always hated them (maybe bc my father would tell me they were “the map of Ireland” and spend 10 minutes making up fake roads and towns in Ireland and mapping them on my face every time i complained about them?), but the thought of a fake freckle trend does make me feel slightly better about

You are so, so strange. Not for the sentiment, but for thinking that was in anyway relevant, or that people would care at all.

Just keep telling yourself “it’s not real, it’s not real, I’ve been inceptioned.” Then drink vodka and stare sightlessly into the distance as you rock gently back and forth. It’s what I do, and I haven’t killed myself yet!

Are the 53% the white women who voted for Trump? If so, why do they have #resist pins? Are they celebrating the white man finding out he’s not powerful, or the child detention centers, or what?

WHITE AND GOLD. I’ll fight you!

I don’t know what Jared Kushner’s voice sounds like, but neither does anyone else so guess what ... that’s totally Jared Kushner on the tape! Tell everyone!

I have a really hard time asking for help to. Sometimes I feel like if they cared they would help without asking and and so it makes me doubly sad when people don’t step up. For what it’s worth, you sound lovely and the furthest thing from asshole. I hope your knee keeps getting better