LOL WHAT?! I'm failing to see how her body is "normal". She looks like every other contestant, only SLIGHTLY less sculpted in the ab region.
LOL WHAT?! I'm failing to see how her body is "normal". She looks like every other contestant, only SLIGHTLY less sculpted in the ab region.
the NBA is at DEFCON 5, the lowest level of readiness?
Thankfully you're not a judge, because he's contractually obligated to do what the NBA says, y'know, since it's a private organization and not the fucking government, and it's pretty easy to understand that.
To be fair.. we do only have the one white girl with a ponytail. We pay her to jog around in circles, and if she notices someone paying too close attention, she's supposed to change her shirt on the next lap. Unfortunately, for as much money as white people control in this country, we can only afford a white, an…
Look, I hate tabloids too, but how are we not giving Us an A+ for divulging that Arya and the Hound are real life BFFs who speak to each other in a secret egg language? ADORABLE.
Fucking casual
No. Shut up.
Once, I had sex with a stranger with no protection in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Welcome back! Every Wednesday, we do Midweek Madness, in which Callie Beusman heads to the newsstand and picks up…
A cop's son could steal his gun? How often does that happen? We don't need gun restrictions because of some ridiculous scenarios you thought up?
This caused me to have a Twitter meltdown yesterday. It is now confirmed verbally: conservatives believe that victims of gun violence are necessary collateral damage to their "right" to own personal firearms.
Dont encourage we are going to have to listen to his stories of dominating the dojo...
"A TWC technician will be there at exactly 2pm."
Adam Silver: Dick, we're so happy to have you in the League! And with your basketball experience, it's a perfect fit!
She got even: When he thought he was feeling her up after the game, he was actually massaging a pair of socks.
I don't see how. The test sets a ridiculously low bar, and yet the film industry produces a depressing small number of films that pass it.
It's not "garbage." You're just confused about what the test is and what is measures.
And anyway, one of your best friends, who is a WOMAN, is about to graduate in psychology, and she asked you to say these things so she can have responses. She chose women because of how she relates to it and has to live it EVERYDAY of her life!