
Where’s the option for those of us who aren’t watching the NFL currently but would if Colin Kaepernick took a shit on the corpse of Roger Goodell?

I will never not star a burn on bakersfield or stockton.

Kessler’s from Bakersfield. Cleveland is a huge step up for him.

I had posted this earlier but it probably fits better here. There is a certain hypocrisy the BLM movement has brought out of White America. You have this contingent which insists black people aren’t doing enough within their communities to police black on black violence, which may be very true. In the same breath,

LAWYER: You can never go back to Brazil.
Lochte: Man, but I really enjoyed Europe!

If only there had been a good bag with a gun to stop this senseless tragedy.

Just be firm.

Do not buy this fucking rustbucket.

Do not buy this fucking rustbucket.

Come on, there’s not a single bit of innocent bystander smeared across the hood…


Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.

-Ray Lewis.

Odor: Bats L, Throws R, Slaps L.

Timber was hoping to go in the first round, but he fell.

They are not one of the best things on RAW.

Available at mediocre retailers everywhere. Reliably opens wine bottles without a lot of fuss. Doubles as a bottle opener.

Available at mediocre retailers everywhere. Reliably opens wine bottles without a lot of fuss. Doubles as a bottle

This is Russell Wilson’s comment

Go ahead and end it with this one. 1995 ZR-1.

Looks like its curtains for her.