
Just seeing NCC-74656 in all that beautiful ray traced 2023 render farm glory paid off this whole journey for me. Dear god I love that ship... PLEASE give us some Janeway.... Hell, I’d even take a Tom Paris or Harry Kim cameo... just no Neelix or Chakotay.

I. Want. JANEWAY. They keep mentioning her like some sort of tease.

The ads are different for everyone. They’re placed based on your browsing history.

Swimming already does this.

You seem fun.

I once ordered a double espresso at a Starbucks. The barista looked at me blankly and asked, “but what do you want in it?”

“Just the espresso. Two shots.”

“Ooooohhhh... so just the caffeine part?”

They’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel for sci-fi series names.

Genlock: The Reference Wars

Is it tri-level, blackburst, or bars?

Love me a white Lambo. (No idea why my pics aren’t showing up)

In Maui, you can’t own anything even remotely snobby or else all the locals will constantly scream at you to “GO BACK TO WAILEA!” (I know this from experience driving my dad’s SL55 on Maui).

And there’s NO point in getting anything fast. Speed limits are 45mph max unless you’re on like one road that goes by the local

My XS Max is the best phone I’ve ever owned. I never even noticed the notch until the haters started mentioning it.  And now that I fully understand it’s presence... I still don’t give AF.


Now playing

The Marv Levy “You’re Dead Wrong” rant is still my all time favorite.

Thor landing in Wakanda with Rocket on his shoulder is an unforgivable omission.

I dig the bottle of Louisiana Hot Sauce hidden up at the top.  That is the best damn hot sauce ever and it’s 79 cents a bottle.

Yeah, if some black folks tell my white ass I shouldn’t say certain words, I’m gonna just go ahead and listen. It’s certainly not difficult to censor myself. Not nearly as difficult as it is being a black person in this racist as shit country.

This is the correct answer.

And I refuse to distinguish between seltzer water and sparkling mineral water.  It’s fizzy water, shut up.

This is the correct answer.

And I refuse to distinguish between seltzer water and sparkling mineral water.  It’s

I have family in Minnesota.

I don’t speak to them because they’re insufferable evangelical cunt-bags that disowned my mom because she moved to California.

They’re all Vikings fans.

That’s Drew’s best Russell Wilson line since calling him “Bruno Mars.”

I voted for Bernie in the primaries and Hillary in the general. I liked Bernie a lot.

But he did accept campaign donations from Russia, donations Russian made with the intention of derailing the DNC side of the election. Also, he and his wife are currently under federal investigation for bank fraud, and Bernie signed