
Big Pick Nick.

If you’ve ever been to Hawaii you’ll know the answer is a Toyota truck.

Man, Bring a Trailer is getting weird. 

Apparently not that popular but Gerolsteiner. It’s like hyper carbonated and it tastes kind of metallic which....i

Apparently not that popular but Gerolsteiner. It’s like hyper carbonated and it tastes kind of metallic which....i

*reads label*

“Here are the expensive new Nike’s I already paid for!”

You don’t need to apologize. The system that has been set up has kept you where you are at. I’m not quoting Marx here, I’m just stating a plain truth: that so long as the many believe when the few tell them they will see their day... and when the few profit off the many by having that lie believed, you end up with the

Hey bootlicker, educate yourself by looking up the definitions of temper tantrum and whining. Kneeling silently is the opposite of a temper tantrum and suing and whining are not the same thing either. Dumb people who think they are smart are the worst.

Has anyone actually considered the flip-side of this scenario? Sure, a bunch of white bread yuppies in the Midwest may no longer watch football, but how many people of the more liberal variety would watch to see Kaep get vengeance on the NFL surrounded by what very well could be the best talent of his career? I’d be

Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.

Sanka, ya dead?

Good thing we didn’t elect the candidate who engages in “pay-for-play”.

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

It’s going to be a really awkward day at the Food Network when she cuts her finger during filming and Jeffrey smothers her with a pillow.

I don’t think I’m comfortable with the only Jewish item in this catalog being made by fucking Nordic Ware.

Some perspective on how historic this is:

Worst Bangbus ever.

Christ. Even fucking natural disasters are a liberal conspiracy now.

They should have called it Hurricane Thanks Obama.