It won't bankrupt college sports. It also won't solve much. Does anyone think the star athletes are going to be satisfied with whatever amount they receive above-board? That there won't still be free cars, fake jobs, booster money and all the rest?
It won't bankrupt college sports. It also won't solve much. Does anyone think the star athletes are going to be satisfied with whatever amount they receive above-board? That there won't still be free cars, fake jobs, booster money and all the rest?
Yes, this is an EXACT comparison. Because with J.R. Smith it's only about untying a guy's shoes. Otherwise he's been a model citizen and a fine representative of the NBA.
Have you read "League of Denial"?
You don't see a difference between asking for input before casting your vote vs. giving your ballot to somebody else? Really?
Do you guys really not see the difference between getting public input (now known as crowdsourcing) on your vote — but then actually submitting your own ballot — vs. turning over your ballot to someone else who, as far as you know, could choose to vote for Bobby Ayala?
Actually his fastball often hit around 93 in his early years.
"But you're not exceeding that. So you're fine. "
Unfortunately most people know him for that God-awful "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" pile of crap, by far his worst song.
Oh, and of course this classic:
Not a fan of Mariah Carey, but this totally rocks:
Well, at least you're not bitter about it...
Yes, it's horrible to live in a gorgeous state with great skiing, mountains, lakes, great hiking, fresh air and a lot of smart, ecology-minded people.
Reprimanded? For what, voicing opinions? Sorry you and your nerd friends were offended, but come on.
Bottom line: A "journalist" "borrows" a car for personal purposes from a company he's supposed to be writing "objectively" about. Tells us a lot about your credibility.
Certainly, causing a huge shift in how ESPN covers college football (or any sport) is a primary criterion for a Sportsman of the Year award.
Microsoft bought its flight predictor by acquiring Farecast. Just sayin'.
I don't care how good a driver you THINK you are, if you get on Seattle's icy hills with no sand, salt or other treatment — which is the norm in a city with minimal snow equipment — you'll be in the exact same boat, guaranteed.
This has been the rule in virtually every level of baseball EXCEPT the pros for a long time, and it works just fine. You either slide, avoid or give yourself up (if you're David Ortiz trying to score from first on a double...). If you blow the catcher up you're out and (depending on the rule set and circumstances)…
"Belichick maintained the new overtime rules played no part in his decision..."
"Belichick maintained the new overtime rules played no part in his decision..."