
Do you know how many of those photographers and videographers work for the teams? And do you know how much the NFL craves that coverage? I know it's fun to bash the media, but pro sports has sold its soul for billions of dollars for just that blanket coverage.

Seattle? Safeco Field is ADJACENT to CenturyLink Field, site of the Kingdome. All that separates them is the events center, which is part of CenturyLink.

And by innocent bystander you mean the biker who cut the driver off, forced him to stop and refused to let him escape as others moved in to attack.

Another college-age Redditor fanboy who think the Internet revolves around that site — which of course creates absolutely nothing of its own and does nothing more than ride the coattails of sites that actually produce news and content.

Tim's only real mistake was staying around too long. It's impossible for anyone to not get stale, start becoming repetitive and generally wear on the public after so many years.

Yes, and east coasters have no clue about the west. I live in Seattle, and a New Yorker 0nce asked me if I ever drove to Alaska for a weekend.

Uh, perhaps because he made the movie?

You have no clue, do you?

In most amateur baseball you must be within arm's length of the base and/or not slide beyond the base. The NFHS (high school) Force Play Slide Rule makes the runner slide directly into the base (if he chooses to slide). And, at least in my area, the rules are strictly enforced.

Two games in four days? How do you figure?

Much of the reason Thursday night games "have a reputation for being poorly played" is they are usually crappy matchups to begin with.

Even Saint William (Bill James) think that those who say there are no clutch plays or performances have carried this whole "clutch doesn't exist" thing too far.

Cauliflower is just an afterthought here, after the butter, cream, milk, cream cheese, etc. You could replace the cauliflower with old sweat socks and have a tasty, artery-clogging dish.

Way to cherry-pick the players you highlight to fit your tortured narrative. Funny how you conveniently don't mention Zack Greinke, he of the $147 million contract. Or Adrian Gonzalez ($21.8 million a year). Or Carl Crawford ($20.8 million).

...want to gauge your eyes out.

"incredibly irritating"??? Seriously???

From the press release: "Online merchants get simple, low pricing for payment services and fraud protection from Amazon at no extra fee. Amazon does not share the customers’ credit card information, and purchases are covered by Amazon’s A-to-z Guarantee, offering buyers the transaction protection they receive when

This poll is flawed, in that it groups tables from 7 to 8.9 inches together. I liked my 7-inch Kindle, but I LOVE my 8.9-inch Kindle HD. I think there's a huge difference between those two sizes.

If only the writer had thought of that and included it in the piece. Oh, that's right, he did!

Upon further review, the ball is far short of the goal line when his knee touches.