And by "switching to the Toronto feed" you mean showing the reaction of Toronto fans, something done commonly and in fact done regularly throughout this series.
And by "switching to the Toronto feed" you mean showing the reaction of Toronto fans, something done commonly and in fact done regularly throughout this series.
If you're anything more than a casual sports fan then sports are not "easy" without cable. You can't watch your local MLB or NBA team. Most national NBA and NHL games are on TNT or ESPN. Only a relative handful of college football and basketball games are on the networks. If you really love sports you'll spend more…
Move up here to Seattle. With no effort at all the moss will take over your lawn (as well as your roof, your deck, your driveway...
Another non-story where Deadspin preens and pretends to do important "journalism."
I hate those stadiums with yellow lines that a human being is supposed to be able to see a ball hit from up to 300 feet away. Just make the ball clear the fence. If it hits the top and goes over, HR. Otherwise not. The only tricky part comes when idiot fans interfere.
That was his family's home phone 20+ years ago and it very may well be today. What, you don't think there are idiots reading Deadspin that would call it?
From your post: "I thought he was a terrible player 5 years ago..."
Apparently six NBA teams disagree with you, since he has had a long NBA career playing a valuable role. But I guess we should defer to your superior knowledge of basketball.
There's fuck-all to do in Oklahoma City, too.
Dumb thing to say, sure. But there's nothing homophobic about it, and it's unfair to throw out that word indiscriminately.
Among other things, your assumption that Burnett was 52 feet from home is suspect. No way does he have an 8-foot stride, and the distance from the rubber to the plate (60 feet 6 inches) is to the front of the plate. The catcher is clearly nowhere near the front of the plate when he releases.
You mean, like those clowns in Minnesota, Detroit, New York, Boston, Chicago....
Bullshit. If you redacted every comment that "wasn't that funny" you wouldn't have a website.
The only people who look small in these posts are the Deadspin writers, who aren't even qualified to READ Esquire.
You need remedial geometry if you call that a 360...
Compared to today's game their pivot foots were virtually anchored. Check YouTube for recent examples.
Really? You're going to blame a college kid because he wasn't Martin Luther King Jr. and didn't change the course of history in the 1960s?
So you pull a quote from USA Today and then manage to misspell the word "receive." Pitiful.
Exchange may be losing some of its dominance, but it absolutely rules in the corporate world, and will continue to for a long time.