
Yes, why would we want to hear what the fighters have to say? Much preferable to read some uninformed snark on Deadspin, followed by unfunny commenters +1-ing each other. Now THAT'S journalism!

"Something called 'La Salle'"??? Where does Deadspin get these junior-high-level interns who have no sense of anything that happened before 2010? What an embarrassment.

Show me anywhere in the rules of the game where it says dangerous play must be intentional. I'll wait.

" authorities took him into custody."

Wat is not a Chinese name? This page would disagree with you:

Once again your bitter, petty jealousy at anyone with a real journalism job shines through. This is even weaker than your usual crap.

Oh, come on, this wasn't his funeral, these are the Grammy Awards. A whole bunch of young people who probably had never heard of Levon Helm were just exposed to one of the all-time greats. And I guarantee they paid more attention than if you trotted out a bunch of Levon's contemporaries.

Wait, someone named PacSmoove used the proper form "You're gay" and Kobe admonished him but changed it to "Your gay"??? Priceless!

Bullshit. That's probably true at small newspapers, but in addition to the NYT, The Washington Post, Seattle Times, Orlando Sentinel, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times and many others are doing a lot of great video.

Every episode with Cousin Sal is Bill just mailing it in. I never listen to those.

You can't call AP "print media." It appears on far more websites, TV stations and radio stations than newspapers.

The truly talented let their work speak for itself.

It says nothing about being a jerk. But if a coach is giving me crap all game long about every call I'm not as likely to be friendly. Seems obvious.

Wow, you're a serious asshole!

All microphones are not created equal. I'm guessing hers is a little bit more high end than one used at a press conference.

That's not even close to a travel in any league. You new to this game?

He was displaying his "manicure," not acting limp-wristed. Methinks you're reaching here.

Sports has all kinds of similar situations. Official simply says, "Don't do that." If he goes ahead and kicks it anyway he gets an unsportsmanlike conduct; 15 yards and out of field goal range.

Yes, because only men who have sat on couches watching sports all their lives can know sports, right?

The charge is questionable, but my point was that all those saying it wasn't a charge because his feet were not set don't know what they're talking about.