
Despite what your junior high basketball coach may have told you, guys, the defender's feet do NOT have to be set for it to be charging.

The Clippers moved up the coast to another major port. Maybe L.A. Harbor isn't famous for Clipper ships, but it's not as if they took their name to Omaha. Hardly qualifies as "absurd."

"muffed the high snap"??? Manute Bol (God rest his soul) would have had trouble getting his hands on that snap.

No, that wasn't the LAST time a major hurricane hit New England. But hey, we wouldn't want accuracy to get in the way of your usual BS headlines, right?

Hey, I think Deadspin is entertaining and a good way to pass the time. But "the future of journalism?" Good one!

It's so cute when Deadspin writers pretend they're the future of journalism. Or that what they do has ANYTHING to do with journalism. Or that they're not insanely jealous because there are people with actual talent who get paid in something other than clicks and +1s.

Exactly. Bret Boone was Seattle poster boy for the wonders of steroids.

Uh, it was at Yankee Stadium.

There's always a lot of illegal pushing and shoving in those situations. Agreed that was more blatant than most, but I wasn't surprised it wasn't called.

So he would do what, force the union refs to work? Give up their collective-bargaining rights? Would he toss aside the National Labor Relations Act?

Josh: Tell us about all those times you confessed to holding. Yeah, the next time will be the first.

If the Seahawks got screwed by a bad call (or two) the controversy would die tonight. But since it was the beloved, anointed, sainted GREEN BAY PACKERS this story will live for weeks.

You don't know anything about baseball, do you?

Yes, you missed something: junior high English class...

At least Simers has the balls to talk directly to the athletes he's writing about.

Stop before you embarrass yourself further...

Yeah, this would be PATRICK McEnroe. Nice try. #AnotherDeadspinHumorFail

It could go either way...if you suck at reading comprehension.

Whenever someone says "I'm not a chauvinist but..." get ready for the chauvinism.

How dare someone else traffic in "low-grade smarm"? That's Deadspin's job!