
Magic JellyBean is good but it seems to install some bad stuff. I found WinKeyFinder is way more gooder!

Wow, this would be an excellent alternative to MS Project!

Some things I love/hate about Linux and some things I love/hate about Windows. Two similar but yet very different tools.

Ok but how can I rig it to power on when I fart?

Oh wait, they are available now. Slow as molasses, but there nonetheless.

The 7.0.3 update was a no brainer but what about iLife and iWork? I signed into and all the shiny new icons are there but there is no sign of life for the app updates. Sad face.

I don't know about all that. I think it's all just a scam to get nerds who weren't very athletic in their younger years to buy expensive shoes now that they've started running in their older years.

Here's what I don't get. People always suggest going to a shoe store and being measured on a treadmill. So how does that help if you run on trails? I run outside. My gait is different with every step I take. There is no shoe that is going to compensate for the variances in a dirt trail.

That sure is a lot of excitement just for someone tearing a hole in a bag.

Yeah, I found that just buying a normal tripod is a good alternative to this too.

I'm using a Nike+ SportWatch GPS. Does that count as a smart watch? I mean, it's tracking my runs which seems pretty smart to me.


While it's true that you have no need for Box, Dropbox, iTunes, etc. But what you DO have a need for is clunky SD cards and cables, etc. Those are the things I think most people prefer to do without (hence my original point). I don't think most people are looking to bring around that much stuff with them at all times

A better question is,... why do you need to have a 20GB+ eBook library with you at all times? As for the other stuff, that's either paranoia or narcissism. Just calm down with all that.

Oh ok. For me, I just throw stuff in my Box folder and then it's there in my Box app. Done.

Meh. I'm not interested in such a clunky system.

A micro sd card? LOL. C'mon now. Quit kidding around. It's not 2008 anymore.

I hardly even need iTunes anymore.

What am I really saving by doing this? Like maybe $5 in a year? Yeah, no. I'll just pay the extra few dollars for filters. It's fine.

I should probably switch to Ubuntu. Because I always choose my operating system based on the wallpaper shown in the demo.