#SeinfeldTaughtMe To quone something!
#SeinfeldTaughtMe To quone something!
I think the Trump supporters vote for these creeps because they have nothing to live for so they just want to drag everyone else down to their level. In other words, you said it’s like telling them that their job will ship to China. Thing is, they don’t even have a job in the first place.
Did you ever read 1984? Everyone eventually had a telescreen installed where they live. The government watched them through it and told them what to think. The people shared your “I don’t care if people look at all my stuff I have nothing to hide” mindset and eventually lost all control of everything to a ruling…
Bummer. If the book people want to give their book out for free, then they should just go all the way. Seems so silly to allow country X to get it and countries Y and Z can’t get it.
Oh yeah. That’s what I do. I just hold down the power button. Then something happens. And then I press the power button again to make something else happen and then I’m good to go.
He has to be stopped. But how? There seem to be no consequences for him or his supporters. He’s putting all our lives at risk. It’s like all the villains were released from Arkham Asylum and are now running rampant through Gotham City. We aren’t going to survive 4 years of this shit.
How would I know the answers to the questions though? I have no idea how employees feel or act until I’m working there. I have no idea what the turnover rate is. I just think that if it doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t. Listen to your gut.
Thing is, if you are standing in a room with someone and you either disagree, or maybe you feel they are wrong, or otherwise — do you call them, “moronic”? That’s just a thing that happens on the Internet because people hide behind their keyboard monitors.
Do you talk to people that way in real life? Or is it just easier to do that while hiding behind a keyboard and monitor?
This is great! It will make it so much easier for the thief to know whether it’s worth it or not to steal the package that is sitting by my front door. Thanks, Amazon! #sarcasm
There is nothing wrong with the electoral college. The problem is that the GOP has screwed everything up with their ridiculous gerrymandering.
If I’m going on a short hike then for me, it’s much better to go empty handed. It’s a lot more fun hiking without a bunch of “stuff” bogging me down. I just bring my iPhone so I can take a lot of photos and videos.
I just spent a week in Maui on my honeymoon taking tons of photos and videos with my iPhone 6s Plus. They are all perfectly organized in the Photos app both on iPhone and Mac. I guess I’m not seeing the problem. I’m not overthinking this though. I just shoot photos and videos and let Apple automagically handle the…
I’d like to see This Or That
Who are the fact checkers? And who is checking them? And how do they become a fact checking authority in the first place? That’s the real question.
It’s “spill-free” but yet first thing is that it spills.
In the moment, I’m not thinking about all that stuff. Just want to snap the photo. If I’m going to put that much effort into a shot then i’d rather just use a real camera.
I keep seeing “Manual” written everywhere. So to see what all the fuss was about, I downloaded it. I don’t get it. So tedious. Why would anyone want to take a photo this way? I’ll just stick with the default camera app.