
Add me to the list of happy iPad mini + Notability users. One thing people should understand about Notability though is that there is a bit of a learning curve. It's all easy but like anything else, you should practice to get good at it. If you just download it, open it and expect to use it seamlessly, you'll find

Do you subscribe to Office 365 now?

If Microsoft was smart, they would write iOS and Android apps for this and release it all at the same time. Each product would be separate. So for instance, the Word app would cost $9.99. Excel for $9.99. And so on. All of these apps would be logged in through your free 7GB Skydrive account (or you can choose to save

Oh well. I was hoping for a downloadable app for iPad (because who is creating documents and spreadsheets on a tiny iphone?). And I don't want to pay a monthly subscription. I already have too many bills as it is. Just 1 app, downloaded for 1 cost — that's all I ask. So I guess I'm now officially going to start

A stitch in time, saves nine.

I'd probably recommend Ubuntu to a beginner for the sole reason that it's probably the most well known distribution of them all at this point and has the most support. When you Google for something Linux related, you will mostly find either CentOS or Ubuntu.

Maybe we need to ditch the whole plate+sticker thing and just put a tamper-proof flat panel display there instead. Then make an app. First, I pay DMV registration from the app. Second, DMV remotely updates my flat panel display license plate. Done in a matter of minutes. No fuss, no muss and most importantly, nobody

Meh, that's a dumb excuse. What service hangs? Google does all the heavy lifting. They are simply providing a portal. Anyway, I finally got it and ended up deleting it. It's a nice idea but just not for me.

I just like:

I use my iPad mini for quite a few things. For one, I use it in school and work for note taking with the notability app. Second, I use the Splashtop2 app to remote into a laptop at work that runs Virtualbox and a pair of Windows 2008 servers. This is also for class. For work I use it to remotely login to some of my

Someone needs to make this for iOS and Android.

I don't understand why I have to wait in line. What exactly am I in a queue for? I don't want to use a mail account from them. I just want to use their app for my other mail accounts.

Showing images and links on an Internet page is the future? Wow, amazing!