
I'm all for helping catch hit n runs, murderers and child molesters......but gas thieves? Really?

ditto :\

I heart you!

Is this show even one anymore? I only have 3 seasons of the IT crowd....I really miss THIS show!!


mmm, Randy's donuts. Their bear claws are awesome!!


timeless? how do you figure. The design is extremely dated.

#5 is a little ridiculous. There are several makes that have hard tops that do not store "in" the car....I wouldn't call it common, but it's not limited to a few models either.


The Lambo 350GT was conceived, built and sold as a giant F*CK YOU to Enzo Ferrari. There is no other car in history that can say that....

THANK YOU for posting this...


you're under the impression those are happening at the same time based on the editing of the footage. While this happens sometimes, usually the dialogue is being done at a lesser rate of speed. Top Gear does this a lot. In fact, a lot of top gear clips of the cars don't even have the hosts driving them....

never even heard of it....

The number one killer of cel phones is water damage. So why don't they make cel phones water proof?



That video could....SHOULD....have been 30 seconds long, not 3 minutes.

Thanks, I'll try that...