
Yes lawyers are evil...but...and don’t crucify me here...aren’t the insurance companies the ones who sometimes force families to sue under threat of non-payment? Especially in cases where the family are trying to prove the death wasn’t the deceased person’s fault? I’ve read stories about this on here in the past...


I’m sure most americans would have said the same thing about Jeremy Clarkson 10 years ago...

That car is loooooooong :/

I don’t see the Stig...

Except for Porsche , which has always said, “sure, test it where ever. whenever you want.”

Now playing

Worst standing start crash IMO . Scott Russell..aka, Mr. ending crash at Daytona.

Is it me or is Poland starting to tie Florida for shit like this?

I'm always curious how they know what part failed when the wreck is this extensive? Presumably, the whole back corner has destroyed in the crash.

Top Gear is "sold" worldwide to some 350 million viewers. England (it's domestic market financed with taxes) has a grand total of 53 million. So yeah, the BBC would lose a substantial amount of money from the loss of this program. It is their highest rated and sold show. Does it mean the BBC will be bankrupt, of

well done, but it was a joke.

"the suit brought so much renewed attention to Gaye's song that its sales nearly doubled during the trial."

you're thinking of James May

If you're going to eliminate the manual transmission...can we please have a gear selector that doesn't look like it's from a 1970's dodge?

There are people still playing Destiny? huh, who knew

Destiny is a great game, destroyed by shitty business practices.

Obviously he's using some go fast juice


Boring. That's how I describe Exo Zombies.

I just bought a pair of Bose SoundTrue earbuds. They are the most comfortable and best sounding earbuds I've ever used. I bought a pair of Sennheiser the week before and they wouldn't fit securely and the had no low end at all. I like my old Marshall's I bought from Apple 4 years ago, but their sound wasn't anywhere