
unfortunately, I have 4 playthroughs of ME2....but ME3 will only recognize one of them for import :|

Jack is in ME3??!! I just finished the game and never saw her or heard mention of her?!

appropriate....New Vegas was the buggiest game I've ever played. :\

my very first thought!!

Top Gear episode where they are under the Romanian Capital building....epic

of don't need a 40 lb slug to take down a rocket if you have that kind of velocity...a 5 pound mini cannon ball would take out just about anything at that speed.

What is more interesting to watch? Michael Schumacher winning every race by a country mile....or these two rivals fighting the whole way?

100% agree!

damn, beat me to it!!!

I loved Enterprise. Some of the acting was suspicious...but for a sic-fi series, I thought it was great!

1980's Porsche 959

Porsche 959. Unexpected. Mind blowing. Changed the future of super cars.


thank you for teaching me how to spell "Tchotchkes"

THAT didn't require a one time use passcode...

do you write a check to Ford when you sell your car? how about samsung or sony or apple when you

Online Pass for Co-Op?

lunar rover is nice!

well, if what apple is doing with their "pro" products is any indication, you're right on the money...

wow...that is an EPIC driveway though!!