
That was a god awful trade proposal to Philly that only met with laughs. No way that one is happening and Boston gets #3 AND Noel.

Ignoring the bad joke attempts in the other comments, an absolute Philadelphia sports legend and true gentlemen. He will be missed.

A star for you for that!

If you have an issue with me, no need to talk around me. I prefer direct hostility over the passive aggressive type.

Yeah that was weird when she talked about trans women as if they couldn’t be overpowered and violated. Okay, not weird. Totally incorrect.

I don’t think that piece is anywhere near that simple. When I read that piece I do see a number of flaws with the presentation and occasional content of the opinions being shared, but for the most part I do see some serious issues worthy of being raised. When a cisgender woman listens to a transgender woman discuss

I just think the that “woman” has become too restrictive so it’s not serving anyone, cis or trans, very well. It’s true that being a woman, in a traditional sense, carries with it some biological imperatives. It’s also true that being a woman (traditionally) is a social construct. Women who have biological tie to

yeah thats why i added the edit cause i wasnt sure *when* they were quoting from. Thanks though. =)

I think it’s totally valid that you asked this question

That is from the first interview where they requested to be called “Bruce”. If your read the next paragraph, you would see that the author switches and starts using “Caitlyn” and “her”.

Well her view isn't my view. But I think she brings up frustrations and possible land mines for trans inclusion, which is why it should be discussed. Even if we encounter something that is wrong, or especially so, we have to dissect why it is misguided. Basically, I don't think it's the right thing to dismiss the

“I think people should have a discussion about these issues because women have to understand who we are and what we stand for.”

At some point we have to talk about transgender feminism. I am fully open to the idea that someone born in a man’s body have been a woman all this time. I think the trouble is that we’re talking about brains when my transgender folks talk about hormones. This is probably a media problem.

I just think it’s interesting that “woman” and “man” might be outdated terms altogether. We all live on a spectrum, right? It feels really restrictive. Maybe that's the real issue.

I really don't understand the hostility; I think people should have a discussion about these issues because women have to understand who we are and what we stand for. We have to listen to the voices of ALL women, whether we agree or not. We have to make decisions together. You may not agree with the author, but we

Well referring to Caitlyn as “Bruce” and using male pronouns. She’s a woman.

Could you elaborate? I'd love to hear a discussion about this.

Sorry for derailing, but this article on the NYTimes is super thought provoking and also talks about expectations for women.

hard to pick an all-timer, this is my favorite recent one:

Because it’s not okay to body shame. That’s why this doesn’t have more stars (in my humble opinion). Not very nice of the original poster. :S