
Charles Dance and Jack Gleeson were both felled by their families

Bella Hadid is reading The Outsider by Steven King. Gigi’s reading L’Etranger, which in a lot of places is translated as The Outsider. Please please tell me they got a recommendation from somewhere (or one from the other?) and one of them got it wrong.

I mean, that’s the whole point, no? They’re saying it’s not just a “women’s networking space”. I don’t know whether it was and has changed, or whether “women” was always just a convenient shorthand, but the whole point of this story is that they’re clarifying that that’s not quite what it is.

“Ronan Sinatra” is a dick move, though.

(Rates in the United States, in contrast, are astronomically higher—according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one American is physically abused by an intimate partner every three seconds.)

Agree about the title this soon after airing. But also, isn’t the cost of streaming it on, say, amazon, essentially the same as getting hbo streaming for the season and then not waiting?


(take it to Deadspin, please) 

Whoa whoa whoa. If two teams split gold, there’s no silver goddamn medal! Nobody came second! They’re tied for bronze! This travesty cannot stand.

It’s gone up 10x. You’d have $50k.

Is there anything you need to do for the amazon vinyl deal? I tried it Friday afternoon after seeing it here and couldn’t get it to work - prices in cart and at checkout the same as on the individual pages - and still can’t get it to work now. Is it expired and erroneously listed or am I doing something wrong?

Is there anything you need to do for the amazon vinyl deal? I tried it Friday afternoon after seeing it here and

FWIW, he’s also ambassador to Samoa, where this happened. Unless you’re the NZ press (like the source article) I’m not sure his NZ ambassadorship is that relevant, beyond being the bigger country. I also don’t think what he said/did would’ve been considered any worse in NZ than in the US, and am not sure NZers are

Deleted. I didn’t realize the event was in Samoa.

What I’m less impressed with is that he was there to do research for his first feature film

My Haim experience after the first album came out went something like this:

Especially psyched because I dig that every one of their songs seems to use ‘love’ either with a possessive or as a partitive, and never anything else, and now they’re doing both in one title!