
Joanna, you’re not on any of these teams so I have no one to root for.

Technically, bitcoin (or its hash, rather) is stored in every transaction ever made. A blockchain works roughly like this, as I’ve understood the jargon: every time there’s an exchange, a unique hash is combined of the current and previous transaction. If the chain is broken at any point, the hashes no longer add up

Whitney, it’s “all of A sudden.” Seriously, when have you ever read it with “the” like that?

It’s “all of a sudden,” not “all of the sudden.” Change the title then delete this comment! <3

Does “All of THE sudden” bother anyone else but me?

Are there regional affiliations for “all of the sudden” vs. the clearly superior “all of a sudden”?

“Lorde tweets a privilege-check saying that all white people are responsible for changing the system. The Root says maybe now’s not the time, Lorde.”

The point of that article was that white people should take responsibility and not try and exempt themselves from this...which is exactly what Lorde is going for?

Hey. It’d be great if I didn’t have to scroll past 1,000 gifs. My phone is completely overloaded, and that amount of gifs was entirely unnecessary.

But will they go down on me in the theater?

Now playing

There’s massive fraud! But no investigation. Really, honest.

The more I see of this guy, the more I think of this only less funny.

An industry can have misaligned incentives, bad common practices, and little accountability, but it doesn’t have conspiratorial aims against society. This oversimplified mentality, like all conspiracy theories, is only useful insofar as it absolves you from having to change anything.

This makes me extremely uncomfortable. A few months ago we were talking about how dangerous it was for Trump to be questioning the legitimacy of our democratic process, and how it undermined our entire system of peaceful power transition.

I’m no Trump supporter but this statement is so ignorant and downright disgusting.

Man, why is Deadspin covering bullshit like this. What about sports? Why can’t we have a “Best QB’s of the 80's” post? Like remember Warren Moon?

Because Ronin Farrow claims Woody Allen as his father and it is really fucking impolite to disagree with that publically.

I’m confused, are you actually going to update this post or create a new one? I keep coming back ‘here’, and see nothing.

Tea Kettle... Tea kettle?

Annie Clark (it’s wild that tabloids never use her real name and always call her St. Vincent?)

So, I hate John Mayer and think he is an insufferable douche, but I also think the Leslie Jones comment is kind of creepy and weird.