
It’s... open air? It’d be like trying to air condition outside? Who on Earth would expect subway stops to be air conditioned? And, there are 450+ subway stations in NYC... of course it would cost truckloads of money to install AC in them and cool them all. What a weird article.

Try checking the Actual Production Numbers. Lexus sells ALL the LCs it makes.

Yeah, I’m not surprised at the low sales. It’s not really meant to be a high volume vehicle. A quick search on Autotrader shows only 188 brand new for sale nationwide. Out of those, only 55 are hardtops. Lexus is probably selling almost every hardtop they have, and people probably really don’t like the look of the

Ironically, someone I know in a car group just bought one (and it was their first Lexus ever). I’d only seen two or three on the roads, but I like them.

Wouldn’t you have to convert it back to a 3 wheeler to sell it? Would you still have to drive with a helmet if it has 4 wheels?

There’s just one thing I can think of that appeals to buyers of these things - people too scared to get a motorcycle. So, they buy a motorcycle with training wheels that gives you 3/4 the risk at 1/10 the reward. I just don’t get them. Especially the upmarket ones. $35k?? Insane.

“after dumping 50k into my 750k suv I can finally beat a 65k suv in  drag race” isnt exactly a great bragging position 

I wonder if the insurance company would have accepted the claim without video proof. Imagine the conversation with the adjuster:

Considering the 400-horsepower Nissan Z starts at $42,970, and the 486-hp 5.0-liter Mustang can be had for $42,460, the Supra is still a pretty hard sell to the enthusiast.”

This is actually what autopilot is in the marine world. It either maintains a constant direction for you, or follows a string of waypoints that you set for it. No throttle control either. Whatever you come across between two points is the person at the helm’s responsibility.

I foresee “McAfee antivirus and firewall upgrades” as being the new add-on charges to go with doc fees, nitrogen-filled tires, and regional advertising.

The new season of Top Gear looks like shit.

Well, the second half of the roller coaster was the proper response. The first half was what caused the response, and it doesn’t seem as if that part was intentional, given that Southwest has already been willing to publicly call it pilot error in pushing the yoke forward.


In 15 years we’ll be asking ourselves why the American auto manufacturers failed, while the Chinese electric car industry took over the world. I wonder whether we’ll remember that day when the founder of one of the first and most important electric car manufacturers of the day browbeat shareholders into handing him

True, but the Peugeot does take a hard final roof landing at the end.

I bet if a customer admitted they drove 8 miles with a quart low it would be enough for any dealer to deny warranty work.

Even when I had my sunroof replaced by a Subaru dealer they still topped off my oil. Why are these guys so stingy and trying so hard to only do the minimum.

I read it as a bit of an excuse of how they couldn’t have damaged the wheel, but clearly they weren’t being truthful about either so it all lines up in the end.

I think the issue is that they said one thing, it didn’t get driven, when it was clearly a lie. I’d be pretty pissed off too. If they were like, yes we had to test the engine and drove it a bit, I’d be much less likely to argue about the 8 miles. Though 8 miles does seem a bit more than what’s needed.