
Wow, your comment made me go down the rabbit hole. That is one of the weirdest origin stories I’ve ever heard! I was a huge GI Joe kid in the 80s and had no idea!

Exactly. the article states the cybertruck is ‘nearly 8 ft wide’, but that is for the mirrors. The Cyber truck is 80" wide (as in 6 2/3 ft wide) , 95" with mirrors.

This bookself is RIGGED! The democrats have WEAPONIZED “IKEA” against me.

Don’t forget when he mocked McCain for “getting caught” and saying it didn’t count as fighting in a war. It must take a lot of time and energy to pretend you think Felony Cheeto gives any shits about anyone who serves/served this country.

Queen Elizabeth worked as a heavy vehicle mechanic during WWII. She signed up at 18 as soon as she was able despite the King’s wishes. She was a hard workers and wanted to do her part in real work to help the war.

Its because we all know exactly what kind of person he is when he said that: Typical white, conservative, Trump-supportin’ piece of shit.

My ‘73 Cutlass Supreme can do the same thing. The massive power steering boost makes the car feel dead. I’m sure the same goes for that “truck.”

“Cybertruck makes a U Turn using only my pinky. Check mate.”

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

This framing plays on a fallacy of its own, the false analogy. Presenting economy numbers is for the purpose of comparing one car against another, not for comparing one replacement scenario against another completely different replacement scenario.

Luckily with the leak occurring in Galveston Bay, the spilled oil improved the overall water quality.

“I see that you were fired from your last job.”

I know it sounds like some of that department has been rehired, but I really hope most of them landed elsewhere and told that temper tantrum prone toddler to kick rocks.

Yeah, it’s the brooding, teeming masses of ignorant brown folks in the global south to blame, not the industrialized world’s rapacious consumption of fossil fuels in industry.

Just a hunch, maybe Cypress Green is only in the States. Corolla GR is manufactured in Japan.

This is not the first story I’ve read about CT’s being delivered dirty. You’d think for $100k+ and a blood pledge to support the company for better or worse that Tesla could do a little better.

Every time I’ve bought a new car, it came with a full tank of gasoline. Do they not fully charge cybertrucks as part of delivery?  The guy’s first drive was to a charging station 35 miles away...

Yup nothing makes a white guy angry like them being treated like they treat a non white guy. It is instructive.

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣