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Yeah he seems like a really chill guy despite his crazy upbringing. He also recently filmed with the AngryVideoGameNerd, and played/reviewed all of Home Alone and Pagemaster video games.


As all of the plot holes unfolded, I was still on board because this was “a Sandra Bullock movie!” and had John Malkovich! and that guy from SVU! and it’s sorta like Quiet Place!

In before the moment when it’s a hyped up fake out. 

Kind of playing fast and loose with the definition of “fun” there, aren’t we?

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He played with female streamer, Asivrs, a few days ago, and then hosted/raided her with like 50-60k viewers afterwards.

My jaw dropped when I first read “I’m pleased to report that the budget is there.” But then read the next paragraph with a sigh of relief.

I had a conversation with my Catholic uncle regarding religion, and my lack thereof, and he argued, “What’s to stop me from killing someone if I didn’t have the Bible?”

Well, obviously God is something he needs to quell whatever demons he fosters. But just because because he needs a book to tell him what to do/not do,

Disney will bring it back, sans Kenan and Kel of course. #prayersforsisteract3

When we say we want another Sister Act, we’re saying we want to see Whoopi and the her gaggle of white nuns in some other hijinks. Not this [likely] Disney-washed cornball Hallmark-esque hybrid.

Ugh. It pains me to say this, but Robyn’s comeback has been such a let down. :( 

Seriously. I thought I was watching an episode of the Sopranos. 

Nerdy nitpick:

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While I certainly understand your position, Hannah’s take definitely puts things into perspective.

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I think Madonna just caught up with the Gaga parody that was circulating.

I stopped publishing and reacting on social media a few years ago, but every now and then I get an impulse- and find myself in the middle of typing a rant- asking myself, “Is this really necessary? No one cares what you have to say!” which immediately calms me down and I’m able to move on.

“I thought people would immediately go, ‘Oh, she’s been in a car crash in real life,’” Brooker says. “But no one ever picks up on it, until maybe the third viewing.”

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I wonder if she also performed “Party” from her movie debut in 1979's “High School.”