
Legit thought the first picture was Sara Gilbert.

“This is another misguided effort by liberals to erase history,”

Just to be clear, does this mean that she’s no longer looking for a new election?

Can’t believe SJP treated Flight of the Navigator as “just a job.”

While this man seems like a dud that hates his job and “just can’t even,” I prefer a server that doesn’t blatantly patronize me like a Stepford Disney worker that OD’s on Prozac.

I just recently switched from to Streak and have been very happy with it.

Oh yay. Another port with 30fps and blurred motion graphics.

Now playing

Ahh.. This post takes me back to the FourFour ANTM recap days.

Such a disappointing and wasted season.

Why are there no legal repercussions against him, a man with a patterned history of having contempt against election laws/practices?

Similar-ish can be accomplished with Gmail and adding +XXXXXXXX to your gmail name, like becomes

Nitpicking here, but Fran’s last name is Drescher, not Descher.

Grammar nerds: Is it just me, or did he call himself con?


Feedly + Reeder. Been using it since Google Reader went away.

Oven safe up to 300 degrees? Do ovens even go down that low?
Spend $10 more and get a Lodge. I’d avoid this at any price. 

Oven safe up to 300 degrees? Do ovens even go down that low?
Spend $10 more and get a Lodge. I’d avoid this at any

um. what?