Sean Bond

Control and Synthesis endings allow for a easy and logical return of Shepard. I don’t understand the “coward shit” line as Bioware needs this game to be successful after the Andromeda “bravery”. In isolation I would encourage more experimentation but we see that’s necessarily a strength in their cabinet.

I at least hope we keep some of the combat from Andromeda, tho. The game may have been a disappointment, but it had the most fun gameplay of the series (IMO). Being able to mix and match powers in ways you never before could was really nice as well.

I played the first one a while back and really loved it. I was going to pass on this one because I thought it was just a straight up remake and not like a remix of both games with the DLCs. So now I’m more interested in this one!

This would be a perfect opportunity for some side character cameos while a-questin’.

To really stick it to Molyneux, there needs to be a seed you find, that you can plant.  And it grows along with your character.  

To date every Fable game (except for the Kinect one, which I have no experience with) was a pretty likable game.  Absolutely failed to live up to the promise, but a good time nonetheless.  So I’m looking forward (but not too much) to this one.

Can the 4chan trolls get back in their basements where they belong?

AAAND unsurprisingly the Twitter comments are saying Hasan was “cooked” by Matan. This dumb fuck was doing the equivalent of banging a pot and pan together and somehow this counts as defeating Piker.

Wow. Fuck this kid.

I don’t know if that is a truly fair evaluation of Apple’s proposal to consumers. They do have some unique tech at least at the scale they’re doing it. Is everything they do competitive in terms of functionality, no, not to speak of cost competitiveness, but to characterize them charging you double for something you

I personally rank this as one of the best games of the 2010s. I was surprised how many folks reacted negatively to it. 

It’s ENORMOUS. That’s it next to a Series X and sitting on top of a PS4 Pro.

Hot damn, agreed. When I got mine my entertainment center already had a Series X, Switch and PS4 Pro sitting there, figured the PS5 wouldn’t be that big in comparison. Wrong. Fucking wrong. Can’t even stand it up vertically on the lowest shelf of my entertainment center, it’s too tall by about 4", which isn’t

Still need Sony to make this thing smaller. From a build perspective I don’t like how it’s made. I question the longevity and hope to see a major revision in the next year.

I’m just sitting here waiting for Sony to release a smaller version of the console.

yeah microsoft is trillion dollar company without the more singular focus that nintendo and sony have to put on gaming

Because PCs are overly expensive in most of the world to get the same performance. And if you actually go crunch the numbers, they put out a lot of console exclusives, for most of the gen only a couple games behind Sony at any point. The only difference is their games appeal to a slightly wider taste, so you don’t get

Well said. I personally came up the console chain via Sega to Xbox. But when the OneX lineup came out, and supply was short I waited. In the meantime there was the mining boom then bust, and I picked up a Z440 that was very well specced, and a 6650XT for about the cost of an Xbox one. And surprise, the PC works with

Let me put it a different way - they only care about consoles because they feel like they have to. If they had their druthers they’d make people choose between console and PC, not their console and somebody else’s.

I get the distinct impression that Microsoft doesn’t care about consoles and wants to get themselves into a position where they don’t have to make them - that is, it feels like their endgame is to steer people in one of two directions - users who want a fuller, more robust experience will have to play on PC, and