Sean Bond

Longer release schedules means more people maintain membership across multiple months.

So they’ve stopped all their scummy shit, like introducing deliberately “mistakenly” OP units which people are then to feel compelled to rush out and buy before they get nerfed, or just plain rip people off by selling units that the rules state work best in groups of four in packs of three, so you have to buy six of

It really does suck that three of the largest IPs in tabletop games (MTG, DnD, Warhammer) are owned by two of the absolute worst companies.

WOTC is an awful company. News at 11.

The day they (and Hasbro) die and the MTG property is sold to some other entity will be a date to celebrate.

I think it’s less old people problems, and more the fact that many newer games are kind of tedious in their complexity. There’s always so much to do, and most things have a tutorial attached, making picking up and playing a new game kind of a chore.

He wasn’t loyal to Bungie since he repeatedly broke NDAs.

Of course they approve anyone, credit cards are designed to keep you in debt, and the US is utilizing a “Debtor’s Prison” economy against the working poor.

The average sentence served for people found guilty of statutory rape is 30 months

Sir, you don’t understand. He took MONEY. From RICH people.

Declaring bankruptcy to get out of restitution only works if you’re rich or a corporation.

This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.

So frankly I don’t really care but....”Only god can judge me” is the kind of thing only ever said by people who just nuked a town.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard an innocent person say ‘only God can judge me’.

Look, I have no dog in this fight but the “this is what loyalty gets you” remark made me literally laugh out loud. My dude, you make money playing a videogame. If you keep playing the game you like because it is what you like, and what makes you money, you aren’t “loyal,” you’re just some streamer. And while they are

Two things funny about this:

And Beats Sonic

Microsoft doesn’t “own” “emulation”...? This is about people using workarounds to install emulation software on their production Xbox’s.

Most of this could be avoided if we just strengthened the ability to make someone pay your legal fees and damages if they file a frivolous lawsuit. Then this dude could just hire a team of lawyers, fight for as long as it takes to win the case, and make Monster foot the bill.

Wait, I’m confused, why am I trying to drink a cable?

I wish there was a general legal blowback for patent trolls, if the average american can fall victim to the bullshit of the “three strikes rule”, there should be something like this for repeated offenders of patent trolling, the consequences should ramp up.