Sean Bond

I’m a huge proponent of physical media, but also a big fan of Game Pass. The reason? I buy games infrequently nowadays (don’t play as much), and GP allows me to mess around with games I’d never otherwise buy (and sometimes saves me money on games I thought I’d want to own), and also allows me to add games for my

I guess my first response would be that if you liked D1 that much, you probably do get what D2 offers, you just prefer the original. In terms of what I personally think D2 offers:

Exactly. I’ll throw eververse money from time to time, but these event passes are almost worthless, so I have 0 idea how they got the go-ahead.

It’s not a pile of garbage, it’s just that the majority of people making these comments are just knee-jerking to articles like this one. I can’t think of a single game that offers what D2 does as a package, which is why people still play it.

For once, I’m pretty pumped for my Warlock; that class’s version of the armor looks like it’s aiming at EVA-01 from Evangelion, which is a huge win for me.

Absolutely, and I can’t really blame them for doing it. A lot of people can barely tell the difference between 480p and 1080p, I can’t expect them to trade convenience for a format they don’t need/won’t appreciate. Just saying the internet thing is still a literal constraint if quality is part of the formula.

Totally true, most people seem to be blind as a bat, lol. The point is simply that streaming isn’t a viable replacement from a quality standpoint, not that the public won’t switch to it if given a choice.

Tbf, you still can’t really beat bluray if you’re trying to get the best possible picture quality out of a home movie. A 4K HDR stream doesn’t have shit on a proper bluray transfer.

This streamer is basically signing agreements that he won’t talk about confidential info, and then lying about being the one to spread it afterwards. Jason is finding people willing to talk about (potentially) confidential info, and then protecting their anonymity when necessary; if he were violating NDAs I’d assume

I mean, you have to drop out twice. If people are getting salty about this somehow getting in the way of their gameplaying schedule, to me that reads as “listen, I quit a lot, and I don’t want to be penalized for it.”

Genuinely very surprised to see people trying to argue 4K + improved framerates as not easily the superior version (and that’s before we take a look at whatever control schemes the Switch gets vs. the Xbox’s dual analog setup).

More excited about the gamepass version, since it’ll get a 4k treatment. Glad I’ll finally be able to easily play this damn game again!

Hades is actually a great example, because in that case, it actually feels rewarding when you die!

There was a boss in Dark Souls 3 that was powerful enough that it killed me in like 2 or 3 hits, and all those hits came right at the start of the battle. It genuinely took me probably a couple hours of in-battle time (so imagine how many deaths) to really get a handle on the boss.

This is so disingenuous it’s hilarious. Exclusives are always bad for gamers, and these guys only care when it’s effecting THEIR playerbase.

To be fair, lot of the stuff you’re describing is a byproduct of the seasonal model they switched to, and while I agree that that part most likely wasn’t part of the original plan, they clearly had differences of opinion with Activision on *what* the plan was, so it makes sense that they’d have growing pains on the

I mean, I think broadly he’s probably right; the consoles are already moving towards PCs as it is, and both Sony and MS publish games there.

Depends on who you ask. To a Sony fanboy? If it’s on PC, it’s a reason to laugh at the Xbox brand and claim it has no exclusives. To Microsoft? It’s effectively the same thing, they’ve got your money on their platform.

Sony has a ton of in-house developers, plenty of whom they’ve purchased, has historically made deals to have exclusive content even in big multiplats, and is, like MS, trying to gobble up whatever IPs it can (see: Bungie/Destiny). MS’s only real advantage is that they have more money to do so, but Sony is absolutely

I agree that new players should have access to the storylines; I was just talking about vets replaying them. I’d rather all the content still existed, if only to visit old locations. And like I said, I agree about replaying story modes in general, I just don’t feel like Destiny’s is particularly rewarding, because