Sean Bond

Honestly, it’s about time. I’ll miss being to play everything on my Xbox One, but you can also clearly see that some of these games are being held back by having to run on last-gen hardware, so it’ll be nice to see more games fully taking advantage of these consoles people worked so hard to track down the last couple

Yeah, I think the PS vs. XB thing really comes down to whether you absolutely have to play Sony exclusives in a timely fashion or not. I generally grab an Xbox asap because I prefer the general setup of the console/MS’s Xbox infrastructure, and then I’ll usually grab whatever the current PS is when it gets a 2nd

I just figured he’s calling him “Sir” because he respects what Hale was saying. Which is...exactly the problem, lol.

I second being pleasantly surprised by the Potbelly version, and am pretty furious it’s a limited-time offering; places like Potbelly, Jimmy John’s, Panera, etc. have such a limited menu of sandwiches that any new blood is greatly appreciated, and the cubano was a great addition for Potbelly.

That’s actually pretty amazing, lol. 

Basically what schererna said. No way would the Mangler have been some “pros-only” secret either way; hell, it was instantly my favorite weapon in the game as soon as I picked it up, and I haven’t touched PvP.

A lot of these players want easy wins, it’s that simple. In an era where a lot of these guys are trying to get as many followers/viewers as possible, the flashier they play against “noobs”, the better for their career and $$$.

Agreed. One of the biggest issues is that a lot of the time, these guys only have an issue with...well, whatever the current issue is, because it makes them look bad to their streamers when they can’t go 73-0 in a game. There was some “controversy” with Destiny 2's PvP matchmaking when it changed to more skill-based,

I think In n Out’s secret is that 1) it’s extremely regional and 2) that region happens to include the most glamorous part of the US (Hollywood/Cali in general). You’ve got celebs growing up on the burgers and thus swearing by them, so everyone who makes a trip West has to try them, and wants them to be worth it.

I mean, it makes much more sense for Sony to hold their big titles off this service, because Sony is much more focused on hardware and software sales than MS (who is using the Xbox brand as a trojan horse).

If you’re a Le Monarque user (my all-time fave weapon), this is your season.

I know people get all up in their feelings about various types of deep dish pizza, but on paper (well, computer screen), I could really see this working.

I’m talking non-pure spirits, mostly; even White Claw has a little sugar in it, and I thought Mt Dew’s version of a hard seltzer would be closer to Four Loko, given its demographics, lol. 

I went in blind, so this was a fun one. The worm himself is pretty amusing, and it was an interesting way to expand the game’s overarching lore. While I probably won’t use the gun all that much (I’m not a big heavy weapon guy, and my exotic slot is reserved for Osteo Striga or my baby, Le Monarque), it also looks very

edit: meant to say I’m excited about the fact that these ARE sugar free

Yeah, I can’t see a good argument for getting rid of hardware yet; if you told me that MS had managed to get Gamepass on both Nintendo AND Sony hardware, then in combination with Windows PCs they’d be more or less set, but as it is, they’d be banking on every Xbox gamer moving directly to a PC, and speaking as someone

To be fair, if you assume that the taste of gamers in Japan is reflected in the types of games released by Sony and Nintendo, right from the start MS is going to have less to offer them, since they don’t have nearly the collection of Japanese IPs Sony or Nintendo do. So even if the Japanese weren’t looking to support

I’m honestly more excited for the sugar free versions of these, because I think that’s a sector of alcohol that needs more love. 

I’m only 3 missions into the campaign on legendary (so no spoilers, please), but you can really tell that Bungie has learned from the PvE content that players have liked. They mentioned that they were using The Presage as one of their blueprints for this content, and it shows; the level design is much more intricate

I love salt, so I’m sure I’ll like this (I also really like their regular chicken biscuit, so I’ll be trying the hot honey version). Inevitably I’ll enjoy it and Wendy’s will take it off the menu within 3 weeks.