Sean Bond

Yup! I think this is one of those cases where “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” really applies to a sequel; Forza Horizon already has a great niche, so why over-engineer the games? Sometimes “it’s just fun as hell” is good enough.

I don’t think this is the case at all; people took issue with MS requiring always-on internet for games you owned, but Game Pass is a SaaS offering, so it’s not as strange that you’d need to be online to use it. 

Feel free to reread and tell me where I said exclusives don’t matter. 

What am I talking about that’s new this gen? Game Pass isn’t, and it was certainly of note for the first few years, it just wasn’t as clearly an insane deal as it is now.

That seems...pretty shortsighted, honestly.

But yes, please shoe horn in a post about how Microsoft not having exclusives would some how change this list. 

I definitely think TES is gonna move some consoles!

No one is saying that, lol. My entire point is that both are valid selling points for a console (multiplats and exclusives). Everyone here seems to have not read the part where I specifically said exclusives are still good.

Hopefully more people will see this comment. The Kotaku commentariat is a small, relatively “hardcore” pocket of gaming in general; plenty of gamers are playing whatever console their parents could get their hands on for Christmas, lol.

Well, let’s be fair here, almost all Kotaku headlines are clickbait, so sure, this one is as well.

It wasn’t a bad gamble, because that isn’t true. They had exclusives, the exclusives just never caught on the way Sony’s did. So if you want to argue that Sony had better exclusives, that’s fine, but MS absolutely had exclusives—Halo, Gears, Forza, Ori, and games like Sunset Overdrive, Ryse and Quantum Break (all

So the argument you’re making here is that the headline should be “people spend way more time playing non-1st party games?”

I’ve never been a fan of her music, and initially wasn’t a huge fan of her as a person (admittedly based 100% off her songs and what I’d read about her, of course), but I’ve been pretty impressed with some of the stuff she’s been doing recently (working to make voting more attractive to younger people, fighting for

People have given MS a lot of shit for their lack of exclusives over the years (partially rightly so), but this is a big reason why; the big multiplat titles might not be system-sellers in the conventional sense, but a lot of gamers buy new consoles with playing them in mind, which is why MS has invested so much in

I agree with Dylan on this one. I own both TLoU and H:ZD, and haven’t touched either (I’ve been meaning to get to the latter for awhile), because especially for TLoU, I’m never in the mood for that type of game. As a quote in the above article states, sometimes you just want to play a videogame that knows it’s a

I grew up a de facto Bears fan, and yet somehow I’ve always liked Rodgers too, so it’s definitely been disappointing to see that he’s as much of a huge asshole as he was rumored to be.

Yeah, this is the funniest part, I think. Gamers(TM) constantly talk shit about what “real” journalism is, and yet the most important part of journalism (to them) is apparently...completing a game on its hardest difficulty while blind-folded and chained in a shark tank.

Totally agreed; I’m surprised people still have so much hate for it. Is it as good as ME1-3? No, although you could certainly argue that it does some things better than any single game in the trilogy (probably the best combat and controls in the series, for example). But either way, it’s a pretty solid game, and if

As a HUGE fan of the Souls series (DS1 is one of my all-time favorite games), I 100% agree with the “don’t respect your time” comment, and it’s something I hate in general about similar games’ design. Designing levels and bosses with the idea that you’ll have to die a ton of times before you get the hang of them feels
