Sean Bond

Exactly! I’ve honestly been playing a ton of Destiny 2, and the difference between XB1 @1080p/30 FPS, and XSeX @4k, 60FPS/HDR/with a field of view slider is crazy. Same with Control; the improved graphics/gameplay and load times almost make it feel like you’re playing a whole new game.

Honestly, this is one of my favorite console launches in a long time, because it’s the first time where a new console actually feels like the selling point isn’t just “flashy graphics on new games!”

so you’re likely trolling out of sheer boredom”

Totally agree on Octo; I bought it at launch, absolutely loved the look, really enjoyed the battle system, and...was so uninspired by the story that I stopped playing a few chapters in. I want to keep playing, and I probably will at some point, but the narrative was a huge letdown for me.

Agreed, hopefully the improved(?) weapon variety next season will give us a good reason to play stuff even without a large level cap increase; I’m just happy that this season I haven’t had to grind infinite levels in the moon’s lost sectors!

Yeah, I never beat the legendary lost sectors because I’m extremely against the forced power level grind, so I never got high enough last season to really seriously challenge them. I’m very happy to hear that the power level caps are changing to what, +10 each season now? It was a form of gating that I just felt was

It’s funny, I play a ton of Destiny 2 (not by a hardcore Destiny player’s standards, but by the standard of days spent/hours spent playing it overall), but I actually feel somewhat the same as you. Luke Smith said they were aiming to make Destiny itself a hobby, and I sort of get it now, because it’s basically the

Yep, I think this is it. I’m not a Bungie fanboy who will defend all their decisions (there’s lots of stuff I don’t like), but I do genuinely believe that there’s been a painful learning curve for them in trying to convert Destiny from the game it WAS (under their agreement with Activision) into the one they want it

lol you raise a fair point

If there were so little reason for the Xbox to exist, there wouldn’t be millions of Xboxes in the world. People really need to let the “just build a gaming PC” take die, it just makes you look myopic. 

Yeah, all very fair, and I think the “I’m not personally spending more than $5 on this sort of game” idea absolutely makes sense for plenty of people (same reason you get so many “free to play” players in mobile games, which is also totally valid). Plenty of sorts of games I wait on sales for, and it’s not indicative

Oh, I get that you enjoy the parts that you do, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I thought you hated everything about the game.

To be clear, I’m not saying the most interesting story beats are outside the campaigns (some are, but the campaigns obviously have wayyy more narrative overall), I’m basically saying that (imo of course), the campaigns aren’t worth picking the game up for, so I absolutely see why you consider them not worth spending

To be fair, if you’re playing Destiny for the story (or any of the games like it), you’re essentially missing out on 90% of the game; the story is to acclimate and give context for the rest of the stuff you do in the endgame. Anthem’s issue was that Bioware tried to improve on that aspect of Destiny while having no

Yeah, you’re very right about that, and it’s always extremely annoying.

No matter what (legitimate) issues you raise about this, some of these guys will absolutely not let go of the idea that since a PC-TV setup worked in their house, it has to work for anyone.

Totally fair, I played PC games back in the Q3A days (Diablo was actually the game that got me into PC gaming), and I actually also really liked the pretty obvious divide between PC and console games. To be fair, though, a lot of it was simply “Western” vs “Japanese” devs back then, at least in terms of what I played.

Honestly this whole response is so great I wish you’d just post it every time someone brings this up.

As long as you just mean you, personally, that totally makes sense. But I swear, 99% of PC gamers on the internet seem to think that literally everyone else is also a PC gamer.

Honestly, if the music sucks, then I’m already out unless it goes on a...crazy (get it?) Half the fun of the first were the (what, 4?) songs from the Offspring and Bad Religion, and removing the latter group killed the ports for me.