Sean Bond

I was pretty surprised when I couldn’t find either the soundtrack to Romeo Must Die (I know I’m probably one of the only people who still likes/remembers that movie) or a few of my other favorite songs of hers online; it’s pretty crazy to think that someone who left their mark on the entertainment landscape like she

What really sucks is, I’d be happy to screen something like New Mutants or Tenet (especially the latter) now, in my house, for like $20 (maybe $30 if you’re really nice); I’d like to support these movies, if they’re insistent that they have to be released now.

As someone who likes to “hang out” in D2 quite a bit (I don’t really do raids or much of the “endgame” PvE stuff anymore), a lot of this is a shame, but in particular removing Menagerie is a terrible, terrible move, imo. It’s constantly praised by the playerbase as being one of the best pieces of non-raid/dungeon

Honestly the first thing that came to mind, so thanks for linking it again.

See, this is the kind of thing that makes me love Phil, and makes me glad he’s leading the Xbox brand currently. The guy genuinely loves games, and isn’t afraid to give his competitors a compliment; hell, he’s not afraid to do so while doing an interview in a competitor’s game.

All great news. Cosmodrome returns? Everyone has wanted that forever. A lot of this upcoming stuff seems like it’s moving in the right direction, and I’m very glad to hear that we’ll be able to play all our content on the next-gen consoles for no additional charge.

“Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist”

You ain’t wrong

The point I’m making is that we have plenty of evidence of peaceful protesters being assaulted and/or killed. And if even some are being mistreated, that’s a huge problem, even if “far more have been treated well.” 

Plenty of people who’ve protested peacefully in the last few days (not to mention the rest of human history) have still found the wrong side of police treatment. 

“donned their electronic leashes and gave up their autonomy”

Gooch was the only reason I jumped into gacha (a type of game I’m still not much of a fan of), and while I wasn’t the biggest fan of TB’s gameplay (it was interesting enough, but not entirely my style), the character designs were pretty incredible, so I’m hoping they come back sometime (preferably on console!).

Anybody who gives Xenogears some love gets a star from me. There were some things I found frustrating about the game, but it was absolutely brilliant, and I’d love to play a remastered version.

Yeah, I thought about that while typing, I think you’re right. I just couldn’t remember what other magazines I was reading during ancient times, lol.

I’ve wanted to play Splatterhouse since I first saw the ads in (Nintendo Power?) magazines as a kid. I’d considering picking this up just to fulfill that childhood wish.

That’s a fair opinion, but a bunch of other games have shown how hard it is to launch something similarly ambitious; if that weren’t the case, D2 wouldn’t still be the game in the genre that everyone compares the rest to. Bioware’s A-team gave it a shot, and they (unfortunately) fell flat on their faces.

Came here looking for this take. I was ready to hate on her because all I knew her as was “that 50 Shades chick,” but I thought she was great in the Suspiria remake(I also thought it was fantastic, for what it’s worth).

I’m still kind of curious/interested/hopeful for Anthem 2.0. I enjoyed the game for what it was, and while it was clearly lacking in polish, I’m looking forward to a better version, whenever it hits.

I agree that Forsaken was the high point; I think the reason for that is that it was a large expansion before they realized they needed to cut back, and as a result they threw everything into it. After that they tried a pivot to a more RPG-style game (Armor 2.0 among others), and also tried to cut down workplace

I’m with you on that, I think the issue for them at the moment is that they’ve been trying to shake things up since Shadowkeep, and they’re not going a good job sticking the landing currently. You can tell that some of their ideas are on point (making armor more customizable, Champions, doing smaller seasonal content