Sean Bond

I love that last week the consensus here was “lol who cares about graphics anyway, that’s not next gen to me” and now that there’s a beautiful demo running on Sony’s hardware, the comments are filled with “this is so beautiful, see, PS5 is better!”

Nice reference.

“Can you name a single person who wants to buy a new console with installing Destiny 2 on the top of their priority list?”

I didn’t miss it in Odyssey since the game was 1) so good and 2) so different, but I’m glad it’s back. Change is nice, but the instakill was one of the coolest hallmarks of the series.

Likewise! I feel your pain on the joycons; I don’t use them myself since I’m always docked and use a pro controller, but I know a bunch of people who have run into drift and were like, “’s gonna cost me how much to fix?”

As an ex Nintendo fanboy, I kind of get why their defenders are so overzealous; Nintendo still sort of has this “little guy” vibe (fair or not) and also gives off an Apple-esque aura of perfectionism, at least when it comes to their big 1st party titles. With that said, I’m with you that they need to be held

Yeah, I was wondering the same. Given their general reaction-time to other things (playing online, HD, etc.), I assume that if they come up with something similar it’ll take a couple generations even if they do it. But given that they don’t really follow the same sort of linear hardware progression, they could always

I mean, sure, art design can do a lot with a little, but as I said a million times when the Wii was Nintendo’s current-gen console, “these games look great...but imagine what they’d look like on better hardware.” FFVIIR is a perfect example, because that’s basically a playable version of Advent Children, and something

“if they didn’t release this as a feature, and specifically talk up the one purchase aspect, Sony would not be under pressure to do the same. It can seem silly to announce something so straight forward as a feature, but for consoles this is somewhat new territory and worth breaking out. So drawing attention to it does

While it’s a shame NG+ only extends to cosmetics (I mean, I get why, but the fun of NG+ modes for me has always been breaking the game), this is pretty exciting news, especially the Battle Grid. Very excited for a reason to jump back into one of my favorite games of the past year!

Lol, how do you know Musk knows literally anything about the virus? And given that hospitals, health organizations all over the world (including WHO), the CDC, and countless other entities all over the world with actual knowledge of the situation think that it should be handled the opposite of what Musk is saying, why

“I don’t know you expect the author of this article to formulate your opinion for you.”

It’s not that, it’s just that if I’m buying a remake, I want the remake portion to justify my money (or I’ll just buy the original). So while my phrasing was bad, I should’ve just said “I hated the SoM remake music, with that in mind will I potentially also hate the remade music here?”

It says literally one thing about the music: “beautifully remastered.” I assume people said the same about the SoM remaster, and I hated the music in that.

Oh gotcha, good to know, thanks!

That’s totally fair, it’s just that SoM is one of my all-time favorite soundtracks, so in general I’m not looking for new takes on the songs (other than maybe making them higher-fidelity).

Yeah, it was just that the combination of new music that I didn’t particularly like, plus a new graphical style that also didn’t do too much for me (I think I also wasn’t a fan of the voice acting, if that was a thing?), and I was questioning why I would want to pick up the game. I don’t have any sort of nostalgia for

Thanks, I was kinda hoping that was the case. This hasn’t been that much on my radar due to my feelings on the SoM remake, ha.

As someone who stayed away from the SoM remake partially because of how they butchered the music (which is arguably the strongest part of the game), how’s the music in this one? I’ve never thought the Mana games had the absolute strongest gameplay, but I’d be willing to sit through the original (versus this one) if

Edge displays are a super cool piece of tech which I started out very excited about and no longer am. The potential for alerts/notifications is nice, but I never used them, and the downside is that it’s that much easier to accidentally touch the screen.