Sean Bond

Yeah, it’s the fact that it’s a 360 that allows you to keep it, not the fact that you physically (digitally) have the game on the 360 console itself. 360 games are “yours,” period, XB1 games are essentially rentals.

I don’t necessarily have an answer for this, but I think Thidrekr’s main point was that allowing a state like SC which typically goes Republican to “flavor” the race for a democrat is kind of illogical, like allowing registered Republican voters to cast their votes in a Dem. primary.  

That person is a frequent troll over at the Root as well (which probably shouldn’t surprise you). Flag and dismiss per S.O.P.

I honestly didn’t know people put raisins in potato salad until I read it on The Root. It’s kind of surreal (and embarrassing) to come to a site like The Root as a white person, and learn as much about white people as black people, lol.

I’ll say this as someone who is one of the stereotypical “haze bros/pastry bois” a lot of the time: There are few styles of beer that aren’t great when made well, especially the classical ones. I’d definitely recommend branching out! 

I’m white, but I honestly thought everyone knew that you don’t fuck with people who are serving you things (especially food).

While I didn’t love TLJ to the extent you did, what I will say is that it could have sent Ep. IX in a very interesting direction. And I agree that killing Snoke was a mistake, but again one that I think could’ve been taken in a really interesting direction. Having Kylo kill the main bad guy as a show of his devotion

Yeah, speaking as someone who was initially extremely against Dark Empire’s whole “Luke goes to the Dark Side” thing, it was still a lot of fun. This new not.

I think the prequels had some definite advantages over the sequels, and also some obvious disadvantages (like dialogue and anyone playing Anakin Skywalker). And while I don’t worship at The Mandalorian’s altar or anything, I think it perfectly captures the “expanded universe” feel that the novels sometimes really

Damnit, I came here thinking this was a real game...

Certainly not rushing to play it on my phone (I hate gaming on mobile), but this is absolutely a game that every gamer should try. I bought it on the original PS1, and then proceeded to re-buy it twice more (Xbox and PSP) because it’s that good. 

Well yeah; it’s Konami.

I’ve had UK Cadbury eggs, and actually prefer the American version; I’m wondering if it’s conditioning based on the taste you’re used to.

Wait till they find out about the guys credited with “discovering America” back in 1492 or so!

I like to make fun of DC’s choices quite a bit, but I like the look of this. If this is supposed to be Batman starting out, it makes sense to have what’s essentially a souped-up muscle car (or something like it); a car that only a billionaire would have, but not that he would have already spent 20 years in R&D to

While I wouldn’t do this for the entirety of Lent, good for him. Once in a while I’ll skip a meal (usually dinner) because I’m full from “liquid bread,” and those food-abstaining monks are always the first thing I think of.

I’m not trying to say the Shenmue series is comprised of better overall games than the Yakuza series; playing through Shenmue III currently makes it pretty easy to reconcile my feelings about the franchise with reality, ha. I’m just saying that when I played Yakuza I didn’t quit feel that “thing” (*Ryo voice: “That

I actually absolutely agree with you on pretty much all points. The only thing I was trying to get at is that “doing Shenmue better than Shenmue” can mean different things; Shenmue is sort of like a kung fu B-movie from the 70s or 80s, whereas Yakuza is one that’s a little more modern. Sometimes when you’re in the

You know, you’ve got your Souls-like, your Rogue-like, your Metroidvanias...we need Earthbound-inspired to become it’s own subgenre of RPG! That’s such a specific niche of RPG that rarely gets done right, and I’m always looking to play one.