
Barbara killin’ it with the frozen pizza and wine tho

“...I was just a tired Mom in an Uber with my drapey cardigan tied around my waist...”

For some reason, I find the cardigan detail the most obnoxious aspect of this saga.

This kills me every time.

This kills me every time.

I’m no expert, but just from knowing the people I know through my 20s and first few years of my 30s, I see two factors at play:

I have to admit that Diamond Dan warmed my cold, skeptical, feminist heart.

...But they didn’t. They showed Mindy struggle while gradually coming to terms with the fact that she was in love with a man who was on such a different page from her. You don’t wake up one morning after starting a life with someone and having a kid with them and suddenly realize they’re terribly wrong for you.

Dude, you may be the only one that believes his story that he didn’t think he was shooting at his girlfriend.

I don’t know, my first thought when I read that story last year was that it was a re-purposed urban legend and not real. But I can be persuaded otherwise.

- “Spending the Weekend on the Couch in My Underwear Browsing the Internet Mindlessly: The Motion Picture.”

This is exactly how I’ve felt for years. I hope Obama is coming for your guns, all of them, you fucking monsters. Yes. #AllOfYou

How come you know how to pluralize collectors, but not scalpers?

I lost my uterus (I like to say “misplaced” b/c it gets good looks from people) a while back, and it’s a sucky thing to go through. Since I’m sure Kim K is scouring the Jez comments for advice, wink, here are some good things to focus on:
1. You’ll never have to buy tampons again, and you can re-purpose your existing

Yup, rape is about power and control, not sex. You wouldn’t let someone beat you with a spade and call it gardening.

If you stabbed every baby fucker at an airport on his way to Thailand, you’d never make it out of the Au Bon Pain at Logan Airport.

Hearing about the way her parents raised their children makes me very sad.

I’m in the middle of going through a divorce that has nothing to do with sexual chemistry or infidelity. So maybe I’m feeling a little jaded, but you’d think if you still care about the other person enough to consider staying married (and it certainly sounded like this guy wants to stay married), that you’d be able to

“I don’t like the concept of monogamy, but I DO like letting my wife believe I do so she’ll be home with a hot dinner waiting for me at night, keeping the house clean and parenting my children so I have plenty of time and mental space to obsess about what else I deserve out of life.”

“So eventually I came to the conclusion that I needed a side thing to be happy and signed up on Ashley Madison. I considered divorce but there really wasn’t massive personal discord. I mean, we don’t connect anymore, not in the same way, but we don’t hate each other. And ultimately the role we play together as parents

This. You don’t “find yourself” being a piece of human garbage. It’s a conscious choice. He chose it. He’s not a victim of circumstance, and no external power kept him from doing the only moral thing: asking his wife for an open marriage and failing that, exiting his marriage.

I do like that anyone who objects to infidelity was preemptively called a “hater,” though. Stay classy, Tracy.